Alan Esdaile… I always remember the red cover.
Karen Sweatman… My old boss John Humphries. Four very happy years working there. Still got this one. David Kent, secretly put a photo of local band, Jaded Angel in there. The guitarist Rik, worked at Music Master. They had a bigger photo than Iron Maiden. Don’t think the boss ever knew.
Rik Goodman… Karen, Haha! I’d forgotten about that!!
Jennie Tocock… I worked for him too, for a couple of years!!
Sandra Cunningham… My son worked there, Jason Philpott and I still have one with the red cover. He transferred to London when it changed and is still there now!!
Martin Richter… I have a copy
Julian Humphries… that’s my dad!!!
Karen Sweatman… We took our work there very seriously. I’m on the left sporting an acid house t shirt.
David Kent… And then there was the annual catalogue in which Elvis Presley’s black strip was edited out. All of his recordings ended up being listed under Somebodyorother Presidenti.
Julian Humphries… spoke to my dad this morning… we talked about the old Music Master days he isn’t on facebook but has lots of very found memories of those days too
Mike Vawdrey… Came to this quite late starting with the 16th Edition (!) but then made up for lost time by using that and some later editions for a number of years. Once discovered it was an invaluable resource in pre and early internet days especially trying to track the back catalogues of certain artists who were hard to pigeonhole – for me that would include a.m.o. Annette Peacock, Sweet Honey In The Rock and gospel singer Marion Williams – but heaps more less esoteric too. Way back when I also used to consult The Gramophone Pop Catalogue not to mention even longer ago The New Records – still at school when I used to study that publication far back in the mists of days beyond recall (well nearly) – took me a while to fathom out what b/w meant
Mick O’Dowd… I worked there too. Made the dizzy heights as Labels List Manager cataloguing record label info. John was a nice guy and I attended a party at his 3 Oaks house with pool and did the disco along with The After Sunset Roadshow. Great days. Also I popped out on my tea break across the road to The Courts to get my divorce! Not many people could claim that!
Alan Esdaile… John was very good to me when I first started out in business. I could not afford to buy Music Master but needed it for the shop. He let me have ones with damaged covers very cheap and threw in some supplements for free as well. When he sold his record shop in London, I ended up buying the final stock for a good price.
George Rankin… I was Senior Editor and Production Manager at Music Master from 1989-1992. Fond memories of my time there working with everyone. I hope you all went on to have happy, productive careers. How I didn’t come to blows with John Humphries is something of a miracle. Just as well I suppose.
Karen Sweatman… Hello George!! Wow! Hope you are well!
Caz Simpson… Danny is this where you worked?
Danny Howell… Caz, it is!
Julia Ashton… I was there in about 87/88, first working as a data entry clerk on the new whizz bang (well it did crash a lot in those early days!) Texas Instruments system. Remember that attic room with all sorts of vinyl treasures and white label discs! Did night shifts on paste up for a while and then ended up as Subscriptions Manager. Good memories, lots of characters including Dave ‘out of my mind’ Kent, Pete ‘Bowie’ Smith, Jackie ?O Callaghan and the man himself!
Came to this quite late starting with the 16th Edition (!) but then made up for lost time by using that and some later editions for a number of years. Once discovered it was an invaluable resource in pre and early internet days especially trying to track the back catalogues of certain artists who were hard to pigeonhole – for me that would include a.m.o. Annette Peacock, Sweet Honey In The Rock and gospel singer Marion Williams – but heaps more less esoteric too. Way back when I also used to consult The Gramophone Pop Catalogue not to mention even longer ago The New Records – still at school when I used to study that publication far back in the mists of days beyond recall (well nearly) – took me a while to fathom out what b/w meant
I worked there too. Made the dizzy heights as Labels List Manager cataloguing record label info. John was a nice guy and I attended a party at his 3 Oaks house with pool and did the disco along with The After Sunset Roadshow. Great days. Also I popped out on my tea break across the road to The Courts to get my divorce! Not many people could claim that!
I was Senior Editor and Production Manager at Music Master from 1989-1992. Fond memories of my time there working with everyone. I hope you all went on to have happy, productive careers. How I didn’t come to blows with John Humphries is something of a miracle. Just as well I suppose. George Rankin
I was there in about 87/88, first working as a data entry clerk on the new whizz bang (well it did crash a lot in those early days!) Texas Instruments system. Remember that attic room with all sorts of vinyl treasures and white label discs! Did night shifts on paste up for a while and then ended up as Subscriptions Manager. Good memories, lots of characters including Dave ‘out of my mind’ Kent, Pete ‘Bowie’ Smith, Jackie ?O Callaghan and the man himself!