Left handed children correction book 1936

Shared from Jack Hale

Jack Hale…. Fact The Prevention and Correction of Left-Handedness in Children, 1936. A fine example of the sinister thinking and shocking ignorance of the day.

Leigh Mitchell… …and to think left handed people were actually called ‘Sinisters’ for centuries!

Marcus de Mowbray… Leigh, Actually Sinister is Ancient Roman for Left and Dexter means right. It was only many centuries later that Sinister got its new meaning!

Mike Guy… Literally sinister thinking – it’s Latin for left, see how dextrous I am explaining this? Next week – hyper / hypo, & inter / intra. If you don’t agree laevus out of it!

Chris Meachen… My mum suffered from that kind of thinking when at school. She was rapped over the knuckles with a ruler in an effort to make her hold her pen in the right hand. Clearly didn’t work, but bloody cruel.

Jane Hartley… Chris, so was mine.

Perri Ann Haste… I was told I was cackhanded & mocked. Backward thinking by bullies.

Dot Mountford… Perri, What does cackhanded mean, My mum use to say I was cackhanded but am right handed so put it down to being just clumsy….

Perri Ann Haste… Dot, It does mean awkward & clumsy & my mother said it a lot to me. She gave up trying to teach me knitting & crochet as I was left handed.

David Edwards… Being cack handed at infants and junior school there were attempts then to make me right handed, this was in the fifties. One savage cow of a teacher tying my left hand to my waist to try and make me use my right. Mum wasn’t impressed to hear this had words with the teacher, probably threatening violence, and it stopped. In my work as a carpenter apprentice I found that I could work both left and right handed but found that right handers couldn’t.

Ian Johnson… 99 change hands

Drew Barney… Luckily dad was ambidexterous so he was able to adapt and avoid getting cuffed aroud the ear too often. He enjoyed showing off writing with both hands to create mirrored script. Changing handedness was useful (ENT surgeon) but would freak out a new theatre sister!

Dave Lelliott… I learned later in life my brain was working faster than my hand,So slow down and think,OK it might still look like a drunk spider 🕷, But not as bad

Mick O’Dowd… I’m very sinister!

Bookham Ally… I had just started primary school in ‘55 when it all changed. I recall doing a bit of writing in my first few days where you wrote each letter in a box and the teacher (Miss Chalmers) saying “That’s very good now try to do it with your right hand.” but I don’t remember being asked that ever again. I grew up slightly ambidextrous. Write left handed, play darts right handed and when I’m gardening I can use a shovel or a rake either way which is great when you’re beginning to tire.

Thumper Mnm… Unfortunate use of the word ‘sinister’ considering the reason for the post 🤔…weird though how being left handed is considered odd or wrong, yet being ambidextrous is considered a positive


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