Who remembers the maypole, slide and rocking horse, in the Alexandra play park – 1973?

photo © Sarah Morrow


shared photos © Sarah Morrow

Mick O’Dowd… Memories!!!

Judy Atkinson… That could be me! There used to be one in the playground near Red Lake school. And a witch’s hat

Jackie Willett… Yes the maypole! I spent most of my childhood hanging from it! The best was when you took your pole over the top of everyone else’s then they started walking and pulling! You could fly up and round practically horizontal! The only way to stop would be to scream or just throw yourself off! My hands always had blisters and we loved it! I don’t recall any injuries (not sure how!) Happy days!! I take my grandchildren to parks now and apart from swings, I think they are quite boring! Everything just wobbles! Imagine if they bought back the maypole now? Oh god, I’m old!

Kathy Harding… My sisters and i spent a lot of time playing on this in the park as we lived nearby, we loved it!!

Kathy Wood… Oh that was the most amazing thing. Getting grazed and bruised was the sign of having a fab time

Jacky Mattelaer… I remember the one near Red Lake school very well. Spent a lot of time playing there

Mick O’Dowd… Jackie, Me too! I lived just up the road.

Jacky Mattelaer… I lived in Rye road, 2 doors from the Kings Head. Happy days

Jane Hartley… Loved it, my favourite

Dennis Torrance… The roundabout there spun around hanging on tight for less injuries lol felt quite sick afterwards lol. Same for most of rides there

Angela Frances Gardner… I loved this we used to swing really high. Such fun!

Lauraine Brown… Favourite. Had loads of fun and scraped knees in the play park.

Dennis Torrance… No fear of anything at that age I used to climb the west and east hills to now look and shudder

Rosie Paddington… Oh yes! There was one of those where I grew up in Chislehurst. The rowdier boys tended to monopolise it!

Alan Esdaile… Bangs on the head, blisters, cut knees, dried blood, bruises everywhere. The only worry was to hide the holes and tears in your trousers! Wonderful days.

Dennis Torrance… So true Alan

Allan Mitchell… I remember those days

Pauline Sims… I remember those days – that could have been me too!

Tracy Birrell… I do. The proper childhood days, when children were allowed to be children.

Graham Sherrington… the rocking horse im going back to the early 60’s walking around hastings on ones own not a care in the world

Phil Dance… When a slide was a slide, swings swung as high as you could make them, horses bounced too high sometimes and rocked off their mechanism, roundabouts spun so fast you were thrown off, and sitting on the maypole handles whilst someone spun you around. Cuts, bruises, grazes, broken bones, scuffed shoes and torn clothing. We knew how to play hard

Jan Chandler-Smith… Broke my foot on a seesaw! My cousin got off and I went down with my foot wrapped underneath! It was a Sunday afternoon and my Dad took me to the cottage hospital in Crouch End but they couldn’t do anything. So we had to go back on Monday and get ambulanced to Whittington Hospital for my broken foot to be set in a plaster cast. Still have the bump to prove it! XX




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