Hammonds Toy Shop – Marina Court St Leonards who remembers the window train set?

shop & photo source unknown but Hammonds was similar

Colin Bell asks Who remembers Hammonds Toy Shop, where you put a penny in the window slot to make the train go round?

Alan Esdaile… Remember it well. Anyone got a photo?

Martin Richter… anyone got a penny? i think the coin-slots were still there the last time i was there?

Yvonne Cleland… My mum ALWAYS had a penny to spare for this when we lived at Marina. Magic xxx

Peter Fairless… Yes, used to be an add on to the regular Christmas trip to see Kings Road lights. A walk down to the front to see the train and then walk back up to Kings Road and some sweets from Woolworths!

Steve Cooke… Loved it. Great shop and always a grand window.

Bernard Goffredo… Loved that when I was a kid

Steve Fox… Oh yes.

Judie Struys… I do indeed. My bus stop was just outside x

Andy Clarke… I also remember the toy shop at Silverhill had one that took 2p to get it going.

Steve Thorpe… Remember Hammonds, I put £1 per week from my paper round on account and eventually paid for a train set!

Alan Esdaile… one penny! and how exciting and happy we were to watch it go round.

Martin Richter… bus fare to my nan’s and her *magic cupboard* was a ha’penny

Stephanie Blackledge… Oh yes! Happy days

Tim Moose Bruce… Toy shop called Arbours (later called Wonderful Wilsons) in Western Rd Bexhill had a coin operated train set in its window.

Angela Frances Gardner… It was 4 old pence when I was a child in the mid 60s.

Josie Lawson… Is that the toy shop I think my parents took me in just before Christmas one year. I think it was the only toy shop there . I loved it.

Nicola Dobson… Loved it put a penny in the slot

Jon McCallion… Yes remember it wel

Cris Kennard… Gosh that brings back memories mum always had spare 1d.

Tony Court-holmes… yes very well

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The Confederates & The Jazz Caverners – Dolphin Ballroom 17th December 1965



from Peter Millington  https://pet842.wixsite.com/confeds-to-jinks Ad Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Joe Knight… like the girl bit!!! LOL & price!!

Mick Mepham… 25p to you young’uns.

Caz Simpson… Ha! I’d get in for two & six now!!

Andre Martin… Typical Alan Jensen SOH – Ha Hah!

Andy Qunta… I love the bit about free admission for girls wearing plastic macs, rubber aprons & leather knee pads! What was that all about?

Andre Martin… Andy, if you knew Alan Jensen you would understand, he has a great SOH and would put out such crazy offers to see who would take the bate – many of us know Alan from way back, he was a great guy, a businessman, a gentleman and somebody who would help you if he could, with no alterative motive.

Andy Qunta… Well, I didn’t know him that well, but I always thought he was a great bloke! I wonder if any girls took the offer that night!

Peter Millington… We played many gigs under the dubious management of Alan and can’t remember one taker for the plastic mac and knee pads – However, there were many blokes that came in the hope of seeing the dressed up girls – shrewd businessman as Andre says.