Broomgrove Power Station

photo © Anthony ‘Nan’ Morland

Broomgrove power station on the left with W.M. Still factory above  and Farley Bank allotments at the front of the photo.

Jim Breeds… The power station before last. 🙂 I remember the houses being built on the allotment s. Cardboard formers were used. My Dad said they’d all fall down within a few years.

Matt Thomas… Trying to work out where I live from this pic

Carol Arnold… Ian and Joan Catheral lodged with us….Ian was the engineer to power station…

Carol Acott… What year would this be?

Carol Arnold… 60s

Chris Meachen… My mum & dad’s allotment would have been pretty much in front of the camera.

Chris Pook… Great photo Alan.

Mick Knights… I seem to remember there were some pig pens next to the path that went down to the railway line!

Carol Arnold… Mick, yep remember visiting the pigs

Alan Wood… Be nice to see a photo taken from same place now

Tony Davis… My dad used to work at that power station

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