Mr Big – Hastings Pier 7th Feb 1976 & 28th May 1977



 supplied by Sarah Harvey

Sarah Harvey…..This may remind you who they were…its quite a nice song!

Alan Esdaile…..Good song, they supported Queen on one of the tours. Also another band called Mr Big in the 80’s but no connection.

Pete Fairless…..Yes, I have that single

John Storer…..My only recollection of this gig was that the band were far more “pop” than their debut album suggested and that free badges were handed out, each bearing a band member drawn in superhero comic style. I got the whole set! Woo! One of those gigs where I spent more time in the bar than watching the band.

Mick O’Dowd….I believe OZO failed to show. Anyone know who replaced them if any.

Jim Munday…I remember going to the 1977 gig. That was after their one and only hit.

Dave Nattress… Romeo – a truly beautiful single. It was an “our song” – excuse me and all that – girlfriend of the time – can I have the last almost 40 years back please. Got the 2 albums on Vinyl and then Japanese issue CD’s. The band could rock and some of the tracks kick A**.

Martin Waghorne… I remember that night on the pier.

Ralph Town… Am I right in thinking that SEPPUKU is ritual suicide in Japanese,or am I seeing something on the pic that isn’t there?

Julie Hedger… Yes ritual suicide

Shelley – 1960-1968


photo biog… supplied by Len Smith Eastbourne Bands from 1960 on

Witch Doctor gig – 30th April 1966

David Kirkwood… Hi, I met Andy Machecknie many years ago in Geraldton West Australia. He told us of his time in Shelley and their time in Norway. Is he back in England or still in WA? Would love to hear what he is up to.

Who and where is this? Hastings 1972.

Any ideas who this is? Photo from a Hastings tourist brochure and listed as  a modern disco. 

Jim Breeds… I think it’s Hugh Grant

John Gale… Aquarius Club maybe?

Janette Morfey… I think its the Queens Hotel on the seafront

John Gale… That did cross my mind . I saw groups there in 1979 and it looked very similar .

Martin Richter… John, my first thought

John Gale… Martin, saw the Teenbeats there in 79 . In fact the fasions in that photo would have matched a 1979 Teenbeats gig.

Martin Richter… John, certainly 🙂 looks like Sean Hodd at the front ?

John Gale… Could be, and looks like my mate Dave ‘Sam’ Browning in the white TShirt behind the suited guy

David Martin… The Witchdoctor ?

Jan Warren… My first thought was the Regent Hotel (basement) which later became Scalliwags?!

Stuart Moir… To big for it to be the Regent as we played in the basement, agree it could be the Witch doctor or Queens Hotel, can’t recall how big the Aquarius was but that looks like my Ludwig super classic kit as the colour is right Oyster blue ripple and the top toms were 12″ and 14″, the band always moaned about the over tones and would never accept that they would not hear them when playing all together but were necessary in the overall body of the final product .


Paul and Barry Ryan – Hastings Pier 29th April 1966

Colin Fox… Didn’t their mum have an affair with Frank Sinatra?

Alan Parker… Their mum was Marion Ryan she used to sing with a band on BBC tv back in the ’50s

Maureen Head… Oh god I’d forgotten all about the Ryan brothers . Thought they were wonderful.

Carol Ann Bolton…  I always remember their Mother, Marion Ryan. Talented family.

Jan Warren… Eloise!

Elaine Stock… Love that song!

Wendy Belton… So do I Elaine. Great song


Wellington Place Underpass Hastings – painting by Derek Clemans

© Derek Clemans

Derek Clemans… It is an old one I know but it is still a favourite.of mine. I was walking back from an evening in the old town and watched this posh bird walk past this homeless person. He asked,” have you any change”, she looked at him with disgust and made a derogatory remark. His head went down. I then bought him a McDonalds and sat and spoke to him. He is still homeless to this day but I have befriended him and often help him. He is too long homeless now to now go back to a ,”normal life”,but he is happy.

Kevin O’Doherty… good karma to you

Paul Cullen… It shows that there are still good people out there.

Pickettywitch – Aquarius 29th April 1972.


Mark Randall… Is this the lady that was ‘allergic’ to the 20th century? If so, she should be feeling a bit better now

Alan Esdaile… Yes that’s the one, Polly Brown, Mark. She was also in Sweet Dreams and had a hit with Honey Honey.

Jan Warren… OMG, not my kinda music, I always went to Aquarius to see Fusion Orchestra!! 🙂 <3

Julie Corrigan… It was Sheila Rossall not Polly Brown. Sheila was in New Pickettywitch.

Jim Jim & The Jims – The Chatsworth Hotel – 29th April & 3rd June 1979 and Harry R & The Jumpjets photos

jim chatworth

Phil Gill….There was Jim, Jim, Jim. Jim, Jim….and I forget the other bloke’s name.

Andy Qunta….I think Phil has the definitive answer! I played in the band and I doubt if I could name them all! I seem to remember one night there was about 11 of us on stage!

Terry Pack….Raymond J Fenwick, Pete Prescott, Andy (Caine) Cunningham, Andy Qunta, Dermot Murphy, Peter James Shaw, Wesley Magoogan and me.

Pete Prescott….also tony qunta.wesley (along with tich turner ) was an occasional guest.dermot was the original bass player.terry joined just after we started playing the chatsworth jan 1980.

Terry Pack… Tone, of course!

Pete Shaw… One burning issue…How did we get the “Jim Jim and the Jim’s” name…Well folks, answers on a postcard please….and I will reveal all…and remember, points mean prizes!!

Pete Prescott… it will be interesting to see if your account is the same as mine. It involves Andy Cunningham (now Caine). it was a jims line up that recorded the first single i sang on “shine it on me” jan 9 1980 at park gates catsfield.ray pete shaw terry andy q and me.b side became the b side to forcefields smoke on the water in 1986.ray cut another version of it for the album.nowhere near as good.i sang it with barry st john.she was amazing ! and the stories . . . !

Terry Pack… I first met Andy Caine (Cunningham) in Leisure Music in around 1974-75. I was trying a bass, and a big, spotty face with a David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust haircut appeared: ‘ You’re really good. Want to join a band?” It said. I went to his house in Ore, and from there to his mate’s house, where he had a Fender Strat and Marshall stack… in his BEDROOM! His mate couldn’t really play, and Andy could only bash out the riff to The Jean Genie, so I declined. When I next met him, he’d been camped out at Ray Fenwick’s place for a year, listening to Chet Atkins records, and could play pretty well. Of course, NOBOBY, least of Andy himself, knew what a great singer he would become.

Andy Qunta… We had a percussion player with us occasionally too, or maybe it was only once, not sure. Anyway, his name I believe was Mike Tanner! Fun guy!

Terry Pack… Mike Tanner was in a band with Will Thomson and Wesley I think, and possibly Roger Carey.

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