Pauline Richards… And wasn’t it on the pier at some point?
Alan Esdaile… Pauline, yes and The Town Hall.
Jane Hartley… Pauline, in the triodome.
Judy Atkinson… So sad this is not on display
Douglas Palmer… I remember when the Triodome on the pier first housed the embroidery. I was 18 yrs old and worked in the Borough Treasurers dept. Every Sunday (double time!) I would ride shotgun with the guy who drove to the car parks and other council attractions to collect the days takings. One of our stops was the Triodome and it gave me the opportunity each week to view it. It was a marvellous achievement and a big attraction. Thank goodness is wasn’t there when those brats burnt down the pier.
Graham Sherrington… maybe asked this before where is it and why is it not in the Hastings Museum get a fund going build a round hall to house it.
Alan Esdaile… Graham, I’m not sure but hope we are not still paying for storage, as it should be on display for all to see. I think a few panels were shown in Rye awhile ago. The ideal place for it would be St Mary In The Castle, if it ever reopens.
I remember when the Triodome on the pier first housed the embroidery. I was 18 yrs old and worked in the Borough Treasurers dept. Every Sunday (double time!) I would ride shotgun with the guy who drove to the car parks and other council attractions to collect the days takings. One of our stops was the Triodome and it gave me the opportunity each week to view it. It was a marvellous achievement and a big attraction. Thank goodness is wasn’t there when those brats burnt down the pier.