Dave Garland wants to catch up with friends

I, Dave Garland, am alive & well and now living in Hastings again, since January 2023.
I’d love to here from Alan, Tony & Andy Qunta, and my very dear old friend (& Drum Roadie) Glenn, or anyone that remembers me during those wonderful (and unrepeatable) 70’s years. I’m living Ore & my mobile is 07903-393461

Alan Esdaile… I have passed on the information to Glen and hopefully you have now made contact.

Andy Qunta… thanks, yes, we’ve been exchanging emails with Dave!

Chris Meachen… I remember Dave !

Harry Randall… Dave check out the Factory FB page Tony and Andy are on it. https://www.facebook.com/factory1970


The Breathers – Jim Bell’s photo collection 1

supplied by Jim Bell.

Ric Hool, Jim Bell, John Wilde, Steve Demetri

Diane Knight… I remember them rehearsing in our studio in Fairlight Avenue…one recording went on all night.. pretty sure it was the same verse

James Bell… they were long rehearsals sometimes. The same verse was probably me getting it wrong.!!!! Thanks for being understanding, you guys were always supportive. Have a great Xmas jimx

Ric Hool… Rehearsing wasn’t optional with The Breathers. Chanced acts of creativity – there are those who will call them ‘mistakes’ – were pounced upon and used to flavour an established number differently, or else be the seed of a new song. Rehearsals were never solely concerned with dotting an ‘i’ and crossing a ‘t’ – they were much, much more than that. The Fairlight Studio was haven and heaven for us. Thank you for indulging us Diane.

It’s a lot faster than it used to be…