Hastings Music 1964 to 1968

David Yates… A Message for Andre Martin. I was a student at Hasting College FE and on the Students Union. With advice from Andre we used to book groups for College raves. It was so easy in those days! I’m trying to remember the name of the Club in Marine Court – can you help please? Also do you recall the some of the Groups that played – I recall one was Manfred Man through the link with the D’Arbo’s – particularly Carol who was at the College. I think we also had a hand in the first 1964 booking of the Stones on Hastings Pier – do you recall if this is correct?
Great Days but not necessarily academically!

Kurt Helge… The Witchdoctor

Harry Randall… Yes The Witchdoctor later changed it’s name to The Cobweb!

Peter Jay & The Jaywalkers – Hastings Pier 30th May 1964 by Andre Martin




all cuttings Andre Palfrey-martin collection

We have now reached the end of May in the History of the Happy Ballroom, and on Saturday 31st would have played host to DECCA recording artistes –Peter Jay and the Jaywalkers. The group was formed around 1960 by Peter Jay, the son of Jack Jay who owned and managed the Windmill Theatre together with several cinemas and nightclubs in Great Yarmouth. Peter formed the group while studying at Norwich College. He played drums; other band members were Pete “Buzz” Miller (lead guitar – previously a member of rival local group the Offbeats), Tony Webster (rhythm guitar), Mac McIntyre (tenor sax and flute), Lloyd Baker (piano and baritone sax), Geoff Moss (bass guitar) and Johnny Larke (bass guitar). From about 1962, the group were also noted for their use of coordinated Vox Phantom guitars on stage. Peter Jay and the Jaywalkers signed a recording deal with Decca Records in 1962. Their first record, a rocked-up version of the can-can music from Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld, produced by Joe Meek at Decca’s studios in Hampstead and entitled “Can Can 62”, rose to 31 after entering the UK chart in November 1962.


The group released several further singles on Decca in 1963 and 1964, but none became hits. Nevertheless, the group were a popular live act and were chosen as a support act to the Beatles on their UK tour in November and December 1963. They also appeared on national TV shows including Ready Steady Go! and Thank Your Lucky Stars. Completing the show by supporting Peter and the boys, were another of the regular support acts for the Happy Ballroom – from London Patrick Dane and the Quiet Five. So as Bob Knight would have undoubtedly said – “there you are boys and girls another great evening for you on Hastings Pier in the Happy Ballroom”. Until next week, when we reach June, and hopefully the sun will be shining even more    by Andre Martin

Pauline Lindsay… Everything used to finish at 11.45pm, wasn’t allowed to go into a Sunday. Saw this group also at The Ritz in 1962.

Mick O’Dowd… I saw them at the ABC/Ritz as well Pauline. They were on the bill with the Tornadoes, Jimmy Justice and headlined by Billy Fury. Great band and a great show too!

Pauline Lindsay… Also Mick there was Joe Brown, Mark Winter, Carl Denver, The Tornadoes, Marty Wilde – got most of their autographs after waiting at the stage door for what seemed like hours.

David Edwards… Good to be reminded of Terry Reid, an absolutely wonderful singer who has lived in the States for years and is still touring and singing

John O’Hara and O’Hara’s Playboys – 28th May 1971 Battle Memorial Hall.


Mick O’Dowd… Remember O’Haras Playboys. If I remember correctly they came on the back of the Irish Showband craze even though they weren’t considered large enough to be a Showband. The Hucklebuck was one of their near-misses. Quite an accomplished band.

Keith Veness… Remember that night my 18 birthday on the 29th May We had a good time

The Flipsides – Sidley Fete – 29th May 1965

Sidley Fete2


photos supplied by Peter Horton

Peter Horton… The pics show a group that we named ” The Flipsides “. This group was formed to perform at The Sidley Fete on Saturday 29th May, 1965. We were formed on Wednesday 7th April, 1965 and we broke up following the gig. The line up was fairly flexible and several people actually came up on stage to play on the day. If anyone can remember who the vocalist was please let me know. During the afternoon we had multiple equipment failure and we never completed the set. Pictures of the audience indicate that they seem to be enjoying themselves.

photo 1 …  Tony Bird Lead/Rhythm Guitar LHS, unknown singer vocalist Centre Snap, Phillip Earle Drums RHS, Sue Walden Vocalist Shown just to the left of the right hand window.

photo 2… Tony Bird Lead/Rhythm LHS, Rev Stockdale Lead/Rhythm Centre, Pete Horton Rhythm Guitar RHS.

photo 3… Phillip Earle Drums Unfortunately 2 snaps were taken on top of each other but this is the only other picture of Phil that I have from that day.

Geoff Peckham… Great pictures. Being a Sidley lad at that time, I was probably one of the lads there in thrall.

Phil Earle… Gosh, I’d forgotten this. No idea who the vocalist is. This was the first of many kits I had over the years and was a red sparkle mixture of a Gigster bass drum, Olympic toms, and Gigster snare. Cymbals and hi hats were Zyn and super Zyn. I can even remember I used Premier L sticks bought from Bird Music when they were at the top of Sackville Road. Shame the photo of me was double exposed but hey ho still good to see. Following this group I went on to join The Shrew People which has been mentioned here before. I must look out the photos for the site.

Ian McGilvray… I must have been trying to get some tips from the Band. Believe it I’m in the bottom left hand corner of the second photo. (posing as normal)!

Robert Searle… Can’t miss you mate

Colin Fox… Not THE Tony Bird of Birds Music fame? lol

Gaynor Duke… I was just going to comment that I spotted Mac in the crowd

Ian McGilvray… That’s me Gaynor with My imitation Beatles haircut

Philip Holloway… Can you remember any more about the fete, when the group wasn’t playing? I could ask Tony Bird, but can’t get in the shop. I’m making a Facebook album on Sidley past present.

Nikki Terry… I remember Rev Stockdale, Tony Bird, Dave Easton, Mick Ingram, Stuart Moir, Graham Putland oh loads of names…….

Mark Randall… We recorded our first ever demo at Tony’s 4 track studio

Laura Stockdale… Hey! Revs daughter here, does anyone have any more pictures of my dad?

Peter Millington… Looks like Tony Bird is playing Bass if that’s him on the left hand side?

Robert Searle… Mac bottom left

The Ramones were booked for Hastings Pier in 1977 but didn’t happen.


album ramones

supplied by Sarah Harvey

Alan Esdaile… Not that clear print but you can see that in Stephen Turner’s column, The Ramones were set to play Hastings Pier.

Sarah Harvey… It says they are booked for the Pier on May 28th 1977

Peter Fairless… Yes, Saturday, 28th May 1977. Whatever happened to that one?

Alan Esdaile… Got down for Mr Big playing that day. Ramones ended up playing Slough.

Sarah Harvey…


Peter Fairless… Which, let’s face it, is a big loss on their part!

Andy Gunton… Damn! That would have been another great gig to add to the existing list. Oh well….

Martyn Baker… Hmm. Saw the Mr Big gig. They were OKish I thought at the time. The Ramones seemed to do OK too!

Scalliwags isn’t a pub or club – 24th May 1975

Matt Thomas… Scalliwags is a place where my sister used to come home from in a drunken mess and wake the whole household up lol

Josie Lawson… I never went to Scalliwags, but latter 60s worked for Brianne Reade SNR and Derek Reade in their Estate Agents. Scalliwags is still going strong with Kevin Burchett and Madeline Scalliwag Reade

Pete Millington… SPYKE played there on 28th May – Wow! Such a changed venue from the Regent Hotel Ballroom we used to play at.

Coral Pasqua… Had many a great night down there

6th June 1977

Kevin Burchett… I don’t remember that lol

York & Crypt Bars, Orion Cinema, WH Smith 1978

Steven Graham… My dad was landlord at about this time

Peter Houghton… I used to go to watch films at the Orion cinema and go down to the crypt for a drink and I think they had things on the wall

Jacquie Hinves… I saw the “ prime of Miss Jean Brodie “ at the Orion in 1972! Great days.

Diane Knight… I remember when my parents had an old folks home , I was sent down to the Orion to pick one of the old boys up …I went up to the counter and said I was looking for an old man in a raincoat…”we get a lot of those in here “,was her reply 😂😂😂..happy days !!!

Julie Morris…  The Orion – otherwise known as The Fleapit!

Angela Frances Gardner… I went there as a teenager watched a film that totally confused me. It was an X rated film which I shouldn’t have been allowed in to.

Nick Prince… the Orion never worried too much about things like your age. I think the weekend cashier was only about fifteen on Weekend afternoons.

Gerry Fortsch… I remember seeing Chesty Morgan in the Flea Pit as well as Dr Who in a more adult role being w—-d off, great memories from my younger days.

Roger Simmonds… Wonderfull remember them well!

Liane Carroll… My Auntie Vera was an usher there and she used to giggle at the XXX films

Josie Lawson… my mum worked there and she used to say she had a friend there called Vera. My mum was a cashier after usherette. I knew Julie Bull who became my friend daughter of the manager Mr. Bull. Did you know them too? my mum knew a Vera when she worked there

Sue James… Used to go to the Crypt then

Jane Hartley… me too

Tony Court-holmes… Hastings used to have a lot of cinemas

Nick Prince… That photo was actually from October 1977. From when the whole block was sold at auction. For the record, the Orion was screening Emmanuel when the pic was taken. At the time of its closure, the Orion was still making a profit

Jonathan Mendenhall… wonderful memory ..a thriving un pretentious town. The Orion was the local “flea pit”..it showed dirty movies

Josie Lawson… that’s why I left my job there Jonathan but that was when it changed. When I started working there it was a nice ordinary picture house with ordinary films even films for children. Last time I had a chat with you was at the Kings Head pub that was in 2009…was at my ex’s funeral wake.You know my brother Robin, but also we discussed the non profit mag I founded and edited in the past.

Roy Marven formely Syrett… same here

Josie Lawson… maybe you know a friend of mine from the past..,Linda Syrett ?

Roy Marven formell Syrett… that would be my auntie – Lynda Craske – she is in facebook

Mick O’Dowd… AAh! The Flea Pit as the Orion was once known. One of the last films shown there was the original Star Wars and you sat ankle deep in discarded sweet wrappers, drinks cups etc!

Jan Warren… Used to go to the fleapit with my hubby, Pete (we lived just around the corner in Middle Street at the time) I remember seeing “Emmanuelle” (Sylvia Kristel) there, although that was mild compared with some of the films they showed?!!

Martin Richter… i don’t think any would be seen as that bad these days – i seem to remember it was “confessions of ….” type of stuff ?

Paul Coleman… Tony Court-Holmes mentioned Hastings used to have a lot of cinemas. Believe it or not, but Bexhill used to have I believe 5 of its own!

Nick Prince… If one includes the Kursaal and the virtually unused one under the balcony Bexhill has had seven cinemas but no more than four were open at any one time.

Lloyd Johnson… The Gaiety,The Orion,The Ritz,The Deluxe, The Curzon,The Regal are the cinemas I remember from my childhood in Hastings and St.Leonard’s.

Tony Court-holmes… Roxy in silverhill 3 in bexhill 1 battle and 1 in rye, i remember it like that

Lloyd Johnson… Tony, The Roxy that’s the one I forgot. I remember going there with Dave Trodd!..he said I know this great little cinema all the ton-up boys go to ,it’s just like the 50s.It was a great laugh,very rowdy at times!…

Pete Houghton… That’s a great picture

Micky Erends… loved the Orion, I used to go there all the time to watch b movie horror films with my mate Mick Collins

Peter Fairless… Oh, yes

Paul Cullen… Used to go to the Orion pretty much every weekend for the Steve Reeves fantasy movies etc. Always known as the flea pit