Budgie and support from Sam Tripp – Hastings Pier 30th June 1972



Andy Qunta… Yeah, Budgie could really squawk! Great stuff!

Nigel Ford… I woz there!

Chris Meachen… This could have been the time they came round mine afterwards for coffee & sarnies.. (They went to Clive’s one time as well..)

Janette Clare Morfey… I was there.

Martin Waghorne… Missed that one, got the album though ‘Squawk’.

Chris Baker… Budgie were great!

Paul Owen… I saw Budgie back in Brum, I think the headline band that night was Osibisa, now that was a band

David Broome… Budgie were my 1st gig saw them in Maidstone. Had some great song titles. I made the rookie mistake of standing too near the speakers. My ears rang for days.

Alan Esdaile… It was worse with Motorhead and Nazareth David.

Neil William Michael McGuigan… got that Sqawk album, brilliant

Who remember Embassy Vouchers?

Ian Quinnell… Yep, and Kensitas vouchers too

Jeff McCall… I went up to London to College in 1971 and bought my tools with Embassy vouchers and ended up sharing a room with a guy whose father worked in Sheffield for the Embassy voucher scheme!

Wendy Weaver… Players No.6 vouchers. Friends used to give them to me to add to the amount.

Jon McCallion… Yep remember them well

Chris Wood… If I remember correctly you had to smoke about half a million cigarettes to have enough to buy a folding deckchair which you needed cos you couldn’t breathe and needed frequent rests.

Paul Coleman… Yeh. Had hundreds of ’em. I obviously smoked too much! Lol.

Nigel Ford… Players No6 vouchers for me. I was surprised to find I had enough, being only a social smoker (school bus, pub etc…!) to get a car blanket. Very handy for my cold Triumph Herald 12/50 back seat….

Conan Howard… had loads of goodies from the catalog , back then there was a catalog shop in Lewisham that you could visit

Colin Gourley… Just found my dad’s 12th Edition of Embassy catalogue in good condition


Stallion – Hastings Pier 28th June 1975

Phil Gill… Well, at least I know where I was 43 years ago, even if I can’t remember being there. I think we went up to 70p a ticket the following year…

John Wilde… could this have been my debut with Stallion?

Phil Gill… Can’t be 100% sure because I think you joined in the May, but it might have been your debut.

The Beatles – Our World global event – All You Need Is Love – 25th June 1967

do you remember watching this?

Alan Esdaile… Remember watching this with my sister and our parents being critical and saying how can you call this a song when they are only singing the same words over again and again. I think we were singing it for the rest of the week to wind them up!

Jim Breeds…. Yes, I watched it and my Dad ranted at it. You know the type of thing, I’m sure. Generation Gap. 🙂

Andy Qunta… Yes I remember watching! Loved it! Thought it was amazing to have the whole world linked up, which was a new concept! Beatles were great! Loved the arrangement!

Dave Nattress… I do remember seeing this having got my parents to understand it was a big deal. I also remember seeing Magical Mystery Tour and expecting a lot but somehow feeling it wasn’t so good after all. As for the repeated words I certainly never bothered letting the old chap listen to the long fade-out of Hey Jude!!!

Mick O’Dowd…. Yes remember this. In good old technicolour black & white!

Andre Martin… I remember playing this record back in June 1967, was booked to do a show at a Youth Centre somewhere in London, very near Wandsworth Town Hall, managed to get a copy from Alan Jensen at the Disc Jockey.

David Edwards… At the time I thought it wishy washy crap, never changed my opinion.

Di Veness… agreed

Colin Bell… I remember, i think that’s the point where my Mum & Dad finally gave up & thought they’d lost me to the dark side..


Circuit 4 – Ore Youth Club, Grove Road 1965?



supplied by Mick O’Dowd

CIRCUIT 4 – Taken at Grove Road, Ore Youth Club 65?. Jane Newman?John Hall, Roger King, Pip Glazier Mick O’Dowd, Chris & Jane Glazier and Gil Cottle. Band was Circuit 4. Pic 2: Stuart Tanner Mick O’Dowd, John “Ongie” Hall, Roger King and Pip Glazier.

Matt Thomas…..Alan,is this our old place in Grove Rd?

Alan Esdaile….Well spotted Matt, I don’t think we had this much fun when I had it as a warehouse.

Matt Thomas…. dunno,you didnt see us when you was in the office lol

Mick O’Dowd….Picture  update. Blonde female turned away from camera was,I think, called Lesley.

Mick O’Dowd… Circuit 4 if memory serves me right were: Cliff Brooker, Mervyn Ashdown, and a guy called Neil(?) on drums but the name of the 4 th one eluds me. Any takers?

Harry Randall… Circuit 4 took the name from Watkins Circuit 4 guitar, wasn’t one of the guys called Clive? He was a lefty and I bought my Watkins Rapier 33 from him when he upgraded to a Circuit 4

Mick O’Dowd… There was Cliff Brooker of the builders merchant family in Norman Road. G.H.Brooker

Geoff Evans… I think the names you’re after are Keith Barron on drums and Tony Hughes lead guitarist (left handed and had a couple of Watkins Rapier models).