Allan Turner with Keef Hartley 1971 – Selmer winner



Allan Osborne… The lineup for Arktuss was, Chris Sambrook drums, Nigel Banks keyboards, John Davis bass and me on six string guitar. I combined lead and rythm at the time and there was no rythm guitarist. I didn’t keep the Yamaha and traded it in for a Hayman shortly after

Pete Fisher…Hi Allan, don’t know if you remember me, but back then I was a schoolmate of John’s and we’d been going to concerts and jamming together off and on since 1969. I was quite close buddies with Chris in ’71/’72 and the three of us jammed now and then in 1971. My diary for 12 April 1972 mentions John and Chris’s new band and says I met you at the Dripping Well, and that on 26 May 1972 I saw you guys with Podmore and Factory at Hastings College. Would love to know what happened to John Davis – I lost touch with him when I left Hastings in 1974. Cheers and all the best, Pete…

Allan Osborne… Hi Peter,  apologies for late reply on this but better late than never! I’m sorry but memory is poor on the dripping well meet up and it escapes my memory, probably just old age. I’ve tried to trace John but without much success I’m afraid and the last time I saw him was in 1987 along with his then girlfriend. He was driving an old mk 10 jag and turned up at my place when I lived in Boscobel road north then. We went for a drink and chewed the fat and I haven’t seen him since. I have no idea as to his whereabouts now I’m afraid and it would be nice to catch up with him but I don’t see how as possibly like him I’ve moved around too much since the and I changed my name to Osborne from Turner in the nineties. When Arktuss split way back then Chris and keyboards guy Nigel Banks went their own way leaving me and John with no band basically, we couldn’t find a drummer to even form a three peice so we sort of went in different directions after that and I went on to run Rocks off Disco which lasted about ten years. I know John worked for the BBC for a while and had also done some forensic work for the London Met or so he told me when he came to see me. But I lost track of him after that and I went through a divorce sold up and left the town for somerset and then here in Devon. If I get lucky and find him I will surely contact you. Hope that helps you with a bit of history. Hope your still playing as well, I still grab my old strat now and then but stopped playing in public years ago. I’m happy! Take good care and hope you make contact with John again. Thanks, Allan Osborne.

Pete Fisher… thanks to Alan for the update. John the bass player in question was one of the first people I ever played with, aged 14. He also got us tickets to see Jethro Tull in Brighton in October 1969 and tickets two nights running in December 1969 for the Who at the Coliseum and Ten Years After at the RAH. My first three proper gigs after the Who on the Pier that August…

Cliff Wootton… Got vague recollection that Al was in a band with Den and I. Might have been an early incarnation of Felix. The line up changed quite a lot In the early days.


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