Anyone remember taking part in this? I remember pirate radio keeping us going on the journey. Looks like the following year they did it from Hastings to Orpington.
Colin Bell… Yes, I did it with 4 friends, I remember stopping for a rest at the pub carpark at Johns Cross to check the blisters! Did 3 ‘training walks’ to work up to it. Rye and back was one and it pissed down all through when I got home all the blue dye from my new denim jeans had turned my legs blue! What was I thinking..happy
John Austin… My brother Michael Austin, the first Hastings walker to make it home !
Chris Meachen… My mum used to be involved in the support for these walks, possibly dishing out refreshments. I remember people covering their socks in soap, which was supposed to help prevent blisters..
Glynn Brown… I did it two years running and I’m in that photo somewhere. Each year we did training runs and I was one of those caught in the rain as Colin said above.
Chris Giles… I did it when I was 13 I think so would have been the year before 1967…but I did it from Orpington to Hastings finished at the oval
Kevin Ellis… tried it in 1966, stopped with a mate that packed in at about 26 miles. Succeeded in 1967 and again in 1968 to better my time! (13 hours including 30 mins break!). Then went to Uni, never to do it again unfortunately
Jon McCallion… Julie is in the photograph front row by the side of the girl who has black trousers on. She remembers it well great effort by everybody
Sandie Carlyon… I did this. Think it was 67. Sat down at Westfield and another walker got me up and I finished. It was pirate radio kept me going.
Alan Esdaile… The same Sandie, it was the pirate radio that kept me going.
Chris Giles… it was definitely pirate radio that kept me going…all night especially
Graham Sheridan… does anyone know who the other two people are with me (I’m the one with the letter in my hand) from the 1967 walk?
Clive Richardson… Its me with Robin Hughes.
Sandie Carlyon… I did it Alan. I think it was 67 Orpington to Hastings finishing at the Oval. We then went to Ore for hot food at the school there. Me and my friend had a radio and listened all night to keep us going. I remember Death Of A Clown was one track played a lot. My friend didn’t finish but I did. I’ve lost my certificate though.
Reg Wood… I did it in 1968 after the three training walks. No one there to meet us when we finished so had to walk home!
Paul Sleet… I did it.
Martin Jones… Great to see this, thanks for posting. I fondly remember making the whole distance in 1966 (the first of these walks, if I recall correctly). Much slower than Kevin, but I was a slightly daydreamy 15-year-old!
Jeff Belton… Great pictures Alan, two things where are u in the picture ? And before I moved down to Bexhill I used to live in Orpington .
Alan Esdaile… Yes I’m in the photo but difficult to point out.
Sandie Carlyon… did this in 1967. Pirate radio was brilliant. Death of a clown was one song. All you need is love another. Don’t know what happened to my certificate. Wish I still had it. Remember the patch we had to stick to our clothes so traffic could see us. Great memory.
Graham Sherrington… will have to find the 66 and 67 certs. Or was in 67-68. 11hrs 55 mins one of them.
Alan Esdaile… Graham, you were a lot faster than me. I think I got back to Bohemia around 12 lunchtime next day.
Graham Sherrington… I was fit as f in those days Cross Country, in the School Athletic squad, football swimming. now I’m efed both knees gone put on weight etc one of the commenters here said someone helped her I think it was me. I know I helped someone I tried to keep them paced.
Micky Erends… I remember Michael Austin, he was in my class at school..he was a good friend and such a nice guy
Sandi Carlyon… I did this . Not that year. Yes the pirate radio kept me going through the night. We started walking at 9pm and I got back around 2 pm. I haven’t got my certificate. We also had a luminous orange patch to stick on our jeans. Great fun. We also had 3 long walks before the event each one longer than the other. One was Rye and back. I think I did it in 1967.
Christine Giles… I did the walk from Orpington to Hastings I was 13years old 1967 did the practice walks…I was a bit young to do it but was determined ….my Transistor Radio playing out Radio Caroline
Jane Collins… Sandi, yes I did one as well – it was the first one – think it was 1967
Christine Giles… I didn’t realise it was the first one raising funds for a house for the teens to use for course etc on the Ridge forgotten it’s name but knocked down now
Alan Esdaile… Christine, Hurst Court?
I did it two years running and I’m in that photo somewhere. Each year we did training runs and I was one of those caught in the rain as Colin said above.
Kevin Ellis – tried it in1966, stopped with a mate that packed in at about 26 miles. Succeeded in 1967 and again in 1968 to better my time! (13 hours including 30 mins break!). Then went to Uni, never to do it again unfortunately
Great to see this, thanks for posting. I fondly remember making the whole distance in 1966 (the first of these walks, if I recall correctly). Much slower than Kevin, but I was a slightly daydreamy 15-year-old!
I remember Michael Austin, he was in my class at school..he was a good friend and such a nice guy