photo by Peter Houghton
Zip Gun Boogie band with Pete Houghton
Ernest Ballard… Looks like Phil Collins but it’s not ha ha
Pete Houghton… Hi Alan it’s the T Rex concert promoting the zip gun boogie album and the keyboard player was Dino Dines. The band was as follows Gloria Jones keyboard, Dino Dines keyboards Davy Lutton drums, Steve Currie bass.
Ralph Town… Don’t forget to mention Marc Bolan.I might take you to task on which LP was being promoted but it was a slightly overweight Bolan and the 74/76 T.Rex line up
Jan Warren… Yes, I remember Gloria Jones playing keyboard on this track and singing backing vocals with Marc in the “Zip Gun Boogie” video, but I don’t remember a “Zip Gun Boogie Band”?? –