Andre Palfrey-martin collection
Andre Martin….Here is an advert that would have brought a great cheer from the Musical fraternity – bands and dj’s alike when it appear in August 1969 – how many used this food outlet during the early hours ? Perhaps it needs ” Blue Plaque” for services to the former youths of the town ! – I was almost going to say the Culinary Culture of the Town.
Robert Searle…..Really useful after gigs at Hastings area and onwards. Loved those days.
Mick Knights…..Also useful for those returning from the Sundowner
Gary Kinch…..Ahh…..remember taffys. He had a chippy in ore too. Spent many an hour chatting with him in there….Barry Baynon was his name. “Taffy,” was his dad.
Leigh Wieland-Boys…..What a blast from the past..! Stop off after a night out in either direction Sundowners, Kings or the Continental one way – Bonita’s, Scalliwags, Rennies, The Astral….to name but a few, the other!
Alan Esdaile….Fish & Chips tasted so much better in those days, was it down to eating them out of newspaper?
Leigh Wieland-Boys……out of newspaper & in the wee hours of the morning, much tastier!
Nick Prince…..ah yes, those crinkle cut chips……..
Mick O’Dowd…..What would we have done without it. Sadly Barry & Co have passed to that great chippire in the sky. R.I.P.
Peter Millington… I used to get Fish and Chips there every time The Confederates played in Eastbourne which was most weekends. Taffy was in charge until his son inherited the night life in front of the fryer. I knew him as Buddy i.e. Buddy Beynon. My waist line was severely damaged in the years between 1964 and 1967 – the Confederate years and then again between 1967 and 1975 – The SPYKE years. Happy times, RIP Taffy and Buddy and thanks for the inches!
Andre Martin… How would we have existed without food outlets such as this, another was the Beachcomber along by the pier – I think the owner was Andy feeding us into the early hours of the morning !!
Dave Nattress… Yes Taffy’s – I’ve always remembered this from being a young lad of maybe no more than 10 years old. Me and a few mates walking from Bexhill to Hastings along the seafront and stopping off inland at Taffy’s about midday. I didn’t have a few pence for a bag of chips but Taffy gave me a bag for free – I’ve always remembered such a kind gesture. He got paid back time and time again when I was a good bit older though
Alan Mitchell… If I remember correctly the reason it was closed was that, Taffy after giving fish and chips away all day on St Patricks day, slightly worst for wear left the fryer on and it burned the place out. His son Barry who took over was a fishing pal of mine.
Mick Knights… No, it was the day that Prince Charles was made Prince of Wales, the rest of the story is right though.
Mick O’Dowd…. Many a artery blocking/ cholestral busting bags of fish & chips have I consumed. There was also a milk machine at the end of Bulverhythe Road which acted many a time as a lifesaver when dehydrated.
Kristin Beynon… Taffy (Cyril) Beynon was my Grandfather and yes it was the Prince of Wales day. Sadly I never met him, as I was born eight years after he passed.
Tim Moose Bruce… Was a regular one when tearing around in cars with cb radios. Barry’s handle was Omega.Mine was Spiny Norman.
Mike Waghorne… Remember it well in the late 60’s & 70’s & the bands that stopped off there after the pier gigs
John Wilde… It was a rite of passage.
Peter Millington… We, The Confederates popped into Taffy’s after gigs in the early/mid 1960’s. There was always a Q as many other groups did the same thing – great memories!
Peter Fortsch… Couldn’t beat a couple of Greasy Beano Burgers and a pile of chips in the early hours after doing a Gig. Often drove a fair distance from venue cos we knew Taffys would be open.
Jennifer Hemming… Barry Beynon was my Boyfriend I was 17 & he was 18 , Taffy ( Cyril ) & his Amazing wife Kay ,I remained very close to until they passed away we had such fun times in that little house adjoining the Fish & chip Shop , Barry & I also remained the best of friends until he passed sadly in 2008 great family , the shop was notorious ,open until the early hours . RIP Guy’s You are all Remembered with such affection
Andy Caine… Barry Beynon, taught me my first guitar chords! Lovely guy.
Gerry Fortsch… Graham and myself always ended the evening after a gig with the Hippo Band at Taffy’s no matter where we had been playing that night, Graham liked the fish and chips but I always went for the healthy burgers in batter and chips, what a way to spend your early hours of a new dawning. Rock & Roll
Colin Bell… In common with other comments, can’t count the number of times i stopped there after doing a gig. What a great character he was, liked a drink or two i remember!
Joan Ann Cooper-fenner… Great memories of going after our nights out!
Many a artery blocking/ cholestral busting bags of fish & chips have I consumed. There was also a milk machine at the end of Bulverhythe Road which acted many a time as a lifesaver when dehydrated.
Taffy (Cyril) Beynon was my Grandfather and yes it was the Prince of Wales day. Sadly I never met him, as I was born eight years after he passed.