Flyright Records Sackville Road Bexhill – lp paper bag

Supplied by Leon Parker

Mike Waghorne… remember the shop I must have bought many lp’s in there over a few years.

Peter Stacey… Love it I worked at Flyright for many years

Reid McDuffie… Peter, So you did! Enduring the constant request of me and my teenage mates to spin obscure prog rock tracks! I recall running into you again many years later working the festival circuit.

Leon Parker…

David Boss… Had there own record label. Bought some great rockabilly 45s back in the 70s great people and great memories.

Chris Baker… remember a music shop owned by Birds. Father and son. Anyone know if they were connected?

Alan Esdaile… Not as far as I know but both in Sackville Road.

Dave Nattress… Indeed, spent plenty in there buying vinyl records. May as well have put the monthly salary cheque straight in their account. The shop had really nice, pleasant, knowledgeable staff. A young Terry Pack for one notable, well I say young, well he was, and would be a similar age to me. They had an appealing stock list rather more to it than the op 20, so hence I spent my dosh there.


Hastings Pier ad Jim Capaldi 22nd October 1977 – not a good week for spelling!

Beki Milton… Stanglers

Peter Fairless… They didn’t have spell check then, though!

Michael Wilson… I wonder ‘What ever Happened To’ the Stanglers

Jane Hartley… I’ve heard of Jim Capaldi but not Cabaldi!

Chris Jolly… Must be Gari baldi’s brother!

Andy Qunta…  I notice Pot Black managed to get his name spelt right!

Chris Jolly… More luck pot luck I would think!

Stuart Huggett… The Stanglers: almost as good as Siouxsie & The Bashees or The Damed.