Dave Nattress… We all used to have our vehicles filled by attendants, then increasingly fuel stations became serve yourself, but can you, and SMART readers recall when they were last “attended to” in this way, and if so, when and where was the filling station. I’ve used a mass of filling stations for a long, long time, but I actually can’t recall the answer to my own question.
Alan Esdaile… I remember some used to clean your front windows as well and always polite.
Dave Nattress… Indeed, the fuel station attendants used to wipe your windscreen even ask about checking tyre pressures and oil. But, “progress” has stopped all of that. Also, there are very few petrol stations compared with years ago. Take the A21 for instance – a good few have gone.
Dave Weeks… Gran Canaria last March
Tim Moose Bruce… Smith and Humpheries in Sidley still do attended fuel.
Lyn Humphrey… I might be wrong here, but I believe the last time my car was filled up and had all the checks done, was in the States, sometime in the 1980s. An attendant rushed out and began cleaning my windscreen almost before I’d stopped! Never had that happen before.
Pat Sleet… Western Road St Leonard’s circa 1990
David Edwards… Certainly common in Spain but Guestling Garage up till 20 odd years ago by a really helpful Welsh fella.
Mike Vawdrey… A filling station on the outskirts of Alsager, South Cheshire just a month or two ago. Still there and still attended service when I drove past the other week having (shame on me ) filled up at Asda…
Dave Nattress… Dave Weeks…are you “The Dave Weeks” used to work in the Cont. a million years ago? Used to play guitar? u used to be in there a lot with various mates and girlfriends – well only one at any one time I mean! If so, good to meet you again, if not apologies….
Dave Weeks… Yes Dave Natress . 1600E too. Still around and still enjoying playing. I trust all is well with you.
Wendy Weaver… In Wareham about 3 years ago.
Barry Newton… Just outside Barcelona about five months ago
Ernest Ballard… Near St Austell Cornwall 4 years ago by an old man owning an independent garage. His sweet counter stank of parafin too inside and was like going back in timeif you didn’t let him fill the tank up full he wouldn’t serve you at all for wasting his time ha ha
Dave Nattress… Well Mr Weeks – delayed reaction from me as usual, great to make your acquaintance again – sort of – via this website…how did you remember the 1600E!! I was some mug to flog it. I got a company car and my old man was moaning on about me having the 2 cars so I bowed to pressure and sold it. Duh!!!! And the company car was a Fiat 131 Mirafiori that Graham Hill used to advertise on TV. Anyway, I hope you are well and maybe bump into you some time. The Cont. – a long, long time ago!!
Leigh Weiland-Boys… Along the ridge when it was 37p a gallon!!!
Pauline Richards… If only!!
Dawn Campbell… hi, I remember there was a couple in Hastings. I was with my dad, either in his Vauxhall victor – which by the way was a two tone lilac colour – yuk now, but I loved it then or his vauxhall avenger which was a mint green – what weird taste he had 🙂
Anyway, we used to go to the station either in Queen’s Road, or the one in Ore village – must have been between 1968 and 1978. They were called filling stations back then – good memories
I might be wrong here, but I believe the last time my car was filled up and had all the checks done, was in the States, sometime in the 1980s. An attendant rushed out and began cleaning my windscreen almost before I’d stopped! Never had that happen before.
A filling station on the outskirts of Alsager, South Cheshire just a month or two ago. Still there and still attended service when I drove past the other week having (shame on me ) filled up at Asda…
Dave Weeks…are you “The Dave Weeks” used to work in the Cont. a million years ago? Used to play guitar? u used to be in there a lot with various mates and girlfriends – well only one at any one time I mean! If so, good to meet you again, if not apologies….
Well Mr Weeks – delayed reaction from me as ususal, great to make your acquaintance again – sort of – via this website…how did you remember the 1600E!! I was some mug to flog it. I got a company car and my old man was moaning on about me having the 2 cars so I bowed to pressure and sold it. Duh!!!! And the company car was a Fiat 131 Mirafiori that Graham Hill used to advertise on TV. Anyway, I hope you are well and maybe bump into you some time. The Cont. – a long, long time ago!!
hi, I remember there was a couple in Hastings. I was with my dad, either in his Vauxhall victor – which by the way was a two tone lilac colour – yuk now, but I loved it then or his vauxhall avenger which was a mint green – what weird taste he had 🙂
Anyway, we used to go to the station either in Queen’s Road, or the one in Ore village – must have been between 1968 and 1978. They were called filling stations back then – good memories