shared from: Yvonne Hickey A Trip Down Memory Lane
Go, sit & wait your turn = simple!
Alan Esdaile… This system always seemed to work.On the old system, our doctor worked on his own. You arrived at the surgery and you would take the nearest seat to his door. When he called you in, everyone moved up a seat. Yes it worked
Martin Brown… And my god it worked overall far far better who agrees ??
Dennis Torrance… So bad now if you ring for a appointment more than likely you have to wait the words they use “ is it urgent “ . The days are well gone now unfortunately when they could squeeze you in
Joe Knight… Wouldn’t be there other wise. We had a number system when you walked in you pick up your number
Jan Warren… It takes weeks to get an appointment
Carol Ann Bolton… We still have a drop in centre in Hastings. No appointments required.
Shaun Pont… And a five hour wait when I had to use it. Appalling.
Michael Coller… It’s a major pain in the ass now
No Home Jerome… Which is why you went there in the first place
Dave Nattress… But when I was young “home visits” were as good as routine if needed. I do recall the doctor coming to see me once or twice. At the surgery which was either “Burnt House” in Buxton Drive, Sidley or Albert Road, Bexhill I think there was a check in system and a box on the wall with some sort of coloured light system for each doctor and you were called through to see your doctor. Also back then you tended to keep the same doctor for years and years, now it is that you hardly ever see the same one twice.
Conan Howard… yes, at least you managed to get an appointment back then, unlike now. E.G. oh I just had a heart attack. OK come in, in 2 weeks at 10 am to see a doctor
But when I was young “home visits” were as good as routine if needed. I do recall the doctor coming to see me once or twice. At the surgery which was either “Burnt House” in Buxton Drive, Sidley or Albert Road, Bexhill I think there was a check in system and a box on the wall with some sort of coloured light system for each doctor and you were called through to see your doctor. Also back then you tended to keep the same doctor for years and years, now it is that you hardly ever see the same one twice.
yes ,at least you managed to get an appointment back then,,,unlike now ,,,EG oh I just had a heart attack.. OK come in,, in 2 weeks at 10 am to see a doctor Conan