The Famous Bathing Pool at Hastings & St Leonards

Supplied by Chris Perrior, courtesy of the National railway museum

Joe Knight… Thank you for sharing this!😉 it was so Special for families in Summer ☀️ SAFE!!!

Paul Knight… Worked there as a waiter in the mid 60s great fun ,gone now

Paul Cullen… Worked there in the 70s in the kitchen

Mike Mitchell… I learnt to swim there

What’s Your Favourite Christmas Record?


Alan Esdaile… Still this one for me..

Colin Bell… And me, hands down.

Peter Fairless… The Waitresses – Christmas Wrapping, Gabriella Cilmi – Warm This Winter, Chuck Berry – Run Rudolph Run, Wizzard – I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday and Cristina Monet – Things fall apart xmas christmas music.

Jim Breeds… River – Joni Mitchell.

Paul Morfey… We saw Cara Dillion do this at St Mary in the Castle on Saturday, brought tears to my eyes!!

Colin Fox… I Hate Christmas – Weekend Rockstars

Mark Gilham… Neighbourhood Tom Waits. Not an actual seasonal release but definitely my favourite Christmas record

Wendy Weaver… I wanna a Mistress for Christmas AC/DC

Joe Knight…  Any by ‘SLADE  and silver bells (Bing ).

Colin Norton… Jackson Browne – The Rebel Jesus

Paul Morfey…. How about Sparks on the “Kimono my house” album “Thank God its not Christmas”

Will Cornell… I’ll go one better Alan, the whole album of A Christmas Gift For You  by Phil Spector.

Robert Searle… Greg Lake for me

Tony Davis… I always like The Pogues – Fairytale of New York and Greg Lake – I Believe in Father Christmas

Paul Morfey… O.k. its got to be ‘Another Christmas song’ Jethro Tull, not to be confused with’ Christmas song’ Jethro Tull. ( thats good too)

Barry Newton… Its Over by Roy Orbison, LOL

Liane Carroll… 6 ferrerro roche in one minute. Just before Queenie’s speech!!!!!!!

Roy Trunchion… Hells bells.

Clifford Rose… Christmas Day by Squeeze (1979)

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