Harry Randall… That was a great place to hang out and get amps repaired bought my JTM Marshall 45watt for £90.00 I think they fetch about £3000 now wish I’d kept it!
Jan Warren… Oh them prices??!!
Tony Qunta… Yes wish I could buy an electric guitar for £16.50!
Kevin Burchett… Im sure hastings sound supplied some of the lights and disco gear for Scalliwags
Dave Nattress… Memories…bought my first PA there – HH MA100? 5/6 channel 10 mixer/amp and a 100w slave, AKG D1200ES mike, HH speakers on stands, then a pair of Carlsbro bass bins, then another mixer/amp. Hastings Sound was a good hang-out.
Kevin Burchett… this is a full page spread in The Observer and Hastings Sound are in it, when they opened Scalliwags
supplied by Kevin Burchett
Dave Weeks… Whatever happened to Leisure Music in Silverhill?
Memories…bought my first PA there – HH MA100? 5/6 channel 10 mixer/amp and a 100w slave, AKG D1200ES mike, HH speakers on stands, then a pair of Carlsbro bass bins, then another mixer/amp. Hastings Sound was a good hang-out.