Slade cartoon tee shirt by Mike Raxworthy around 1973

Mike Raxworthy… I thought some of your members would be interested in this. About 1973 I got a call from a bloke who said his name was Chas Chandler. Can’t be the famous Animals Bassist I thought. He said he would like me to call in his office in South Molten Street (near Bond Street) for a chat about some cartoons he needed doing. When I turned up I was surprised to see it was THE Chas Chandler and not only that, Noddy and Dave were sitting in there too – as well as John Steele (Animals Drummer) on a typewriter in the small outer office. After a chat I went off and designed this T-Shirt for them. Originally it was produced as an iron-on transfer then on a number of different coloured t-shirts. When I returned with the designs the whole band were there and they asked me to add a scar on Don’s face….he seemed to take a lot of piss-taking from the others. I was also invited to go on a trip to France with them and then to the launch of their second album. They played the whole album live at that launch….for a 4 piece they were superb on stage.

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Very interesting!

Sandie Carlyon… Saw them twice. Great atmosphere.

Andy Qunta… That’s excellent! Well done, Mike! Great band!

Chris Meachen… Saw them many years ago when they played at Reading festival as a last-minute substitute for the headline act, who couldn’t turn up for some reason.They were absolutely brilliant, having got together at such short notice after a hiatus of over a year.. Although it was August bank holiday, we made them play ‘Merry Christmas’ three times..

Dave Nattress… Nice story, great cartoon and…Slade could play a bit let’s not forget!!

Graham Belchamber… Saw them at Donnington on a very rainy summers day, they came on mid-afternoon before Blue Oyster Cult who suffered considerably as Slade were outstanding and BOC could not match their energy and lost the crowd straight away. I also recall during the Slade mass singalongs that rapidly disintegrating barrels of hay were being lobbed around. Later that day during Whitesnakes set, (AC /DC were headlining), a load of bikers pushed over a burger van which caught fire ( the staff had vacated). Those halcyon summer days at The Monsters of Rock in the early 80’s!

Alan Esdaile… I only saw them once, at the Radio One Club in Regents Street, when they launched Get Down and Get With It, introduced by Diddy David Hamilton!

Louis Wiggett… Saw that exceptional Slade cartoon t-shirt design and was wondering if the original artwork still exists?

Mike Raxworthy… Wish I could find it – still got the transfer back-to-front sheet. Gave Chas the original which he sent on to the printer!

Sandi Carlyon… Still got my Slade scarf bought when I saw them at Earls Court London.

Bill Thomson… I remember this print well. Would definitely buy something similar now.

Tony Davis… If only Noddy would sing again

Mike Raxworthy… that would be brilliant – couldn’t bring myself to go to the White Rock – Slade not Slade without Noddy!

Tony Davis… agreed. Saw them at Giants of Rock in Minehead earlier this year and they were dreadful. Dave Hill was just arsing around all the time. Loads of us walked out

Dawn Leaney… Brilliant Mike.. what a story! Loved Slade

Janet Rennie… My favourite 70’s band . Saw them at Wembley in 1973 when I was 14 . Then last year at the white rock . Dave Hill was superb as ever. Lucky he was my fave!!! Would definitely want a t shirt if you ever produced one again

Pete Prescott… When are you going to write your memoirs ? You have to do it ! You’ve certainly done so much.

Mike Raxworthy… might clean this print up and knock out some T-shirts! It’s my copyright.

Pete Prescott… Does Don Powell still live in Ninfield ?

Andy Qunta… I saw a very interesting interview with him on YouTube. Said he was living in Eastbourne at that time.

Tim Moose Bruce… Last I heard he moved to Norway.

Alan Esdaile… Your right Pete, he does need to write his memoirs. Mike only told me a fraction and lots that we couldn’t talk about…

Pete Thomson… Mike, I’d happily part with a quid for one of these! Oh hang on, I was on about £9 a week in ‘73, so that equates to…..

Mike Raxworthy… Ha ha – might sign it personally for you – got to be worth a quid extra!!!

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