Paul Dove… Remember this, well done for finding it.
Chris Baker… Wow! Look at those young hipsters grooving away!
Robert Searle… Nice to see Candy Choir gets some mention especially as they played a lot in the Hastings St Leonard’s and Eastbourne areas in the 60s 70s. Candy Choir great vocals
Mick O’Dowd… Candy Choir were an excellent band. Saw them many times at Cobweb. Strange line-up. I liked Candy Choir but they were a world away from Factory.
Geoff Peckham… I don’t suppose Andy will mind my quoting from his Factory gig diary: “March 20th at Hastings Pier for £15. Rubbish really. By the time the power points were sorted out it was difficult to get the atmosphere going. Not bad performance, audience danced politely, but in 45 minutes we could hardly whip up a frenzy. Candy Choir and Old Silver also on the bill.” Can’t say as I remember it; this is probably why!
Alan Esdaile… I’m sure you would have played ‘Substitute’ and ‘Born To Be Wild’ at this gig Geoff.
Geoff Peckham… Indeed, Alan, but I can’t imagine what the polite dancers would have made of ‘Time Machine’.
Andy Qunta… This was a lot of fun, but I don’t remember it in detail.