Muller at Cavern Studios London – 2nd April 1970

Outside the Cavern Studios London, recording the single ‘Fooling Around. Paul Wiseman, Jon McCallion, Steve Demetri, Paul Dove and Alan Esdaile.


photo by Ray Medhurst

Paul Dove….Great times, it amazes me were these photos keep coming from,next question did that record ever survive,! look at Alan doing the 1000yd stare !!,,, It always made me laugh seeing the veins in Jon Mac,s neck sticking out when we done house of the rising sun, classic.

Jon McCallion....Good times. I still have a copy of Fooling around, will play it to you one day.

Paul Dove….Hi Jon that would be great,although cant remember how it went. ! i keep meaning to come along to one of alans meetings, but i will.Yes good times.

Alan Esdaile…We only planned to record the one song and then had just enough time for an unplanned ‘B’ side which had to be an original. Nothing arranged, so the band came up with an instrumental called ‘Freak Out’.

Paul Dove…Alan you are doing wonders for my memory , yes i remember doing the b side ,We got to do a big meet up with factory, Steve k , I know we lost Stevie D .But would be great to see all the guys from that magical 60s 70s era,!!!  what was i looking at ,, think alan had dropped a 1 00 note , was good fun recording Fooling Around, same studio as the Who recorded , hope to see Jon,  Alan & maybe Paul Wiseman at Beatles Day tomorrow.

Alan Esdaile… We all look tired and fed up Paul. Hanging around for ages for the studio guy to turn up.

Pete Fisher… seem to have missed something here…what did you play Alan?

Alan Esdaile… played the fool Pete! I was manager of the band or should I say humper of the gear, arranged the recording session and gigs and got paid lots of money. Well maybe not the last bit!

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