Battle Dance Club – Epiton Entertainments – Battle Memorial Hall 1971

jan 1971 - battle april 1971 - battle may 1971 - battle

june 1971 - battle sept 71 - battle nov:dec 71 - battle

supplied by Nigel Ford

Phil Gill… See, that’s 30p and 40p admission and I notice there’s no banjos. Just sayin’…..

Jan Warren… This has “stirred” some things in my very blurred memory banks??!! ……. and whether its relevant or not, I remember going to gigs somewhere in a village hall near or around Battle, also I recall a band called “Blue Condition” with Dave Gurr and a girl singer, I think they did a version of “Venus” by “Shocking Blue”?! – anyone else?? – yes, of course I remember “Suspect” and Rock Machine …….. well, I still have this album, I know it has nothing to do with the band advertised but its another old classic compilation album of the time.

Lance Collins… Symphonic Crab brings back memories Gerry Fortsch.

Colin Fox… As I recall, O’Hara’s Playboys were a great band, I saw them at the Sundowners Club in Eastbourne.

Andy Qunta… Great to have reminders of some of those names I had forgotten & others I remember really well!

Phil Wade Eyes Of Blond… The January date fills in a blank in our scrapbook – thanks! The April date was shortly after we broke up (March 24th) so we must have had to cancel it  🙁 Great to have this stuff after all this time – thanks again.

Geoff Peckham… I definitely saw your band there, Phil. It was the January date and it was pretty impressive!

Robert Searle… Some really good groups there

Mick O’Dowd… Didn’t The Bedrocks have a cover version of Ob-la-di at the same time as The Marmalade? O’Haras Playboys were also a good little band.

Alan Esdaile… Yes, well remembered Mick.

Keith Veness… Johnnie Johnson and the band wagon played there

Alan Pepper… SUSPECT 4 BARLEY 3

Oonagh Hague… I lived in Sedlescombe and Friday nights were Battle dance nights before we then progressed to The Cobweb happy times

Kevin Burchett… used to love the Battle dances i had some great times there and it was easy to get home to Netherfield then


Budgie & Fokker Triplane – Hastings Pier 23rd April 1982

poster supplied by Gary Uwin. Ticket supplied by Tim Moose Bruce

Steve Reents… I LOVE Budgie!

Gary Uwin… poster spotted in Platform One Records.

Ian Brown… Definitely remember them went to see them at Manchester apollo

Tim Moose Bruce… Went to that one. Still got the ticket!

Mike Guy… Good old Budgie, played our local youth club before they made it in the States, or anywhere else.

Phil Gill… I saw Budgie that night but I don’t remember the other Fokkers.

Alan King… time just flew by

Alan Esdaile… that’s a cheap comment

Andy Davies… I’m sure I saw Budgie a few times on the pier in 70s. All I remember is the Roger Dean graphics,no recollection of the songs at all. Saw another old git on the prom the other day wearing a budgie tee-shirt, and wondered could I even listen to them today!!

Sparrow Baker… I was there ! I don’t remember any other Fokkers either. Mind you, those were the days for not remembering.