Supplied by Jon McCallion
Andy Qunta… Ah! Good times!
Phil Gill… I was there, probably with young Carey, Meachen and Shirley, as they labelled us at school. Sarah Harvey might have enjoyed the evening too.
Sarah Harvey…. I did indeed Phil and I had. completely forgotten about Effigy and to be honest cannot remember seeing them at all other than a vague memory that I didn’t think much of them. Factory as ever were THE band of Hastings at the time.
Chris Baker… Hah! Flight of the Rat was one of my “Flashy” solos! Those were the days! We only did a few gigs.
Phil Gill… As I recall Chris, you showed me how to play the pedal note riff from Flight of the Rat, one night at an Effigy rehearsal that Roger Carey and I attended. Was it School Road in Ore? Roger was buying Iain Cobby’s speaker cabinet and we came along to look at it.
Brigitte Lee… Where was Clive Vale Annex?
Chris Baker… Ha! Phil! My arthritic old fingers can’t play it so fast these days! Fun to so though. Still got that analog Park Fuzzbox too and the old Hofner!
Geoff Peckham… I remember we (Factory) were really impressed with Effigy. Didn’t they do a couple of other Deep Purple covers? Speed King, and Child in Time? According to Andy’s diary we played with them twice in 1971. May 7th at Priory Road School. Andy said that school gigs have been “…really great. This was no exception. Bit of trouble from old ladies and police about the noise but never mind. Effigy supported (or did we support them?) – not bad for their first gig.” The second was at the YMCA on August 13th. Andy mentions the awful acoustics and that “Effigy (with Tom) supported.” Could that have been the legendary Tom Jones? (The one from Stoke, not S. Wales!)
Phil Gill… And Steve’s drumming was *never* too loud. End of.
John Wilde…. Tom Jones, any info on his history or where he is now?
Geoff Peckham…. I got to know Tom in ’69 when his dad had an electrical shop in Western Rd, Bexhill. He told me stories about being in a pre-Black Sabbath band called Horny Moon (!) and other tales. He was a great character and raconteur. Like you, he had great stage presence – a great blues singer and harpist. He moved back to Stoke, and around 73-74 turned up at a Factory gig in NE Staffs University. I think he put us up for the night. Haven’t seen him since. Anyone else know anything? Be good to see you again sometime.
Alan Esdaile…yes it was School Road Ore where the rehearsals took place, in the old church hall which was full of antiques and clobber and the band squeezed somehow in the middle. I think their was a giant stuff bear but maybe wrong? Geoff Peckham date is correct as Friday 7th May 1971. Clive Vale Annex was part of Priory Road School and the gig took place at Clive Vale. Jon McCallion sung with Effigy at this gig and glad you remembered Tom Jones. I got a review somewhere which I will post on the YMCA gig shortly.
GROOVY SCENES – FACTORY & EFFIGY – YMCA Sports Centre 13th August 1971
I wandered along last Friday with about 200 other groovy people, to the ‘Summer Rave’ held at the YMCA Sports Centre, St Pauls Road. On the bill are ‘Factory’ , ‘Effigy’ and Tony Kane Disco & Light Show. The dance was held in aid of local charties with everyone giving their services free of charge. Before I rattle on about the groups, I would like to say that the YMCA is one of the worst places for live musicians. The roof is of such a great height that all the sound either disappears up to the ceiling or rebounds from wall to wall. Talking to ‘Stewart Page’(the youth organiser) in the near future they hope to build an extension hall suitable to hold dances in. First on stage were ‘Effigy’. Some changes in the band line up since last time and very impressed with the new flute/bongo player. Also a new vocalist and with the name ‘Tom Jones’ how can he fail. Tom tells me he was previously in ‘Earth’ and ‘Black Sabbath’. They played mainly covers, from Deep Purple, King Crimson and Free. The climax of the act came when they preformed an original number called ‘On My Own Rock’. Whilst the groups were running around with wires & amplifiers,‘Tony Kane’ disc jockey kept the crowd dancing and amused, with his usual masks, light bulbs, polythene legs & impressive light show. Next up were the multi talented ‘Factory’. As always an impressive set including the favourite crowd pleasers ‘ The Who’ s – Substitute’ and an extremely fast & furious cover of Steppenwolf’s ‘Born to be Wild Their fan base is growing and expect bigger gigs & success from them in the future. The dance ended up making £30. for charity. Reviewed by Johnny Mason
Phil Gill… I was at that one too! Nice review. It was the first time I saw Geoff Peckham use his new Fender Mustang bass. I was 15 years old and extremely impressed.
Chris Baker… I remember gigs at the YMCA. The drummer said it was like playing with another drummer at the other end of the hall, only half a second behind the beat! Acoustics? What are they? Similar issues at The Round Table I remember.
Dave Nattress… Following Geoff Peckham’s comment about Tom Jones from Bexhill…my God how the memories are suddenly stimulated on this site – incredible. I too got to know Tom – the Western Road shop bit jerked the memory. I think there was a girl connection and think that an old mate of mine Andy Towner maybe went out with Tom’s Sister for a while – maybe that’s how we got to know him. Trouble is, it was so long ago!!! I recall Tom talking about bands he was in. I seem to think one he mentioned was “Orange Bicycle” or even “White Bicycle” – sorry if it seems like I’m hedging my bets here, but the story was that one of these bands or one that Tom was in at least had previously had a small chart hit. Or…they’d had a small hit on a normal size chart!! Now am I confused. Did not Nazareth – played on the pier of course more than once, have a song “White Bicycle”. Maybe a lie down in a darkended room is needed. It’s about time the nurse came with the medication.
Geoff Peckham… Thanks for that, Dave. Fizzled out towards the end but I got the gist! I have memories of Tom singing with either us or the Kult at the Granville in Bexhill. I can picture him singing “Rock My Plimsoll” in his greatcoat. He had a flat off Hastings Road for a while where he and I wrote a couple of songs together.
Andy Qunta… The only thing I actually remember from that Factory-Effigy gig is Effigy’s awesome version of Flight of the Rat! Thanks for the great review, Johnny!
Iain Cobby… well chaps, where to begin? Chris. You were amazing at capturing Blackmore’s style, glad you still have that guitar, and that it gets played, I seem to recall it being Purple? I vaguely remember the gigs. Steve D was in his Deep Purple in Rock, Ian Paice period, so if Steve wanted to do it, we all did it. Miss you Steve. The Old Hall in school road was opposite my old school, Sandown Primary. it had a lower floor with some amazing artifacts, I believe the folk who lived above were artists and into music. As Alan says, there were some strange things that lived in there………. Mr Peckham, you wont remember but at the YMCA gig you let me play you Mustang, the first Fender I ever got close to. Thank you, you were so kind. I had to have one and having seen a gorgeous sunburst maple neck precision in Mullet Smith music, conned my dad into buying it; now in the hands of Mr Gill, sporting a red finish, I believe. I too remember Tom Jones, he told me that he was in Earth before Ozzy and that he was fired because he didn’t have a passport to do gigs abroad. He had a flat in Pelham Crescent at sometime. When Effigy folded, I lost track of him. Dave; sorry I haven’t been in touch. My fault, 3 young kids and the Bellerophon prog project. I do now have a recording of Damaris on Hastings Pier, taken from and old mono recording by my ex. Thank you Tony Davis for running it onto CD. If you still have my email , send me your address and I will send you a copy. …….. and once again thank you Alan for recording all this so that we, who are short in the memory department can relive those amazing days.
Geoff Peckham… You’re welcome, Iain, though I don’t remember! I still have, and play that Mustang at Factory reunion gigs. I remember Tom Jones telling me the same story re Earth etc. He also mentioned another band of his – Horny Moon – great name!
Alan Esdaile… Don’t know why Factory were not on the ticket?
Matt Thomas… Love that Tami Lynn track
Ian Quinnell… That ticket takes me back a bit. Still remember it
Tony Qunta… Remember that gig very well! I think I was being chased by a young lady who was considerably taller than me! Effigy’s version of Flight Of The Rat was awesome!
Chris Baker.. Tony, being chased by a woman taller than you? She must have a giantess!
Pete Fisher… My memory just went “click”…I bought Deep Purple In Rock as soon as it came out in September 1970, and I remember playing it to Bernard, Iain and Steve ? (our singer in the short-lived band we had called Black Ash, my first) up in my bedroom at our house in Quarry Road, appropriately called Rockholme, where we used to rehearse that summer in the doctors’s surgery waiting room…I think Black Ash fell apart shortly afterwards, but it must have been the following year when I remember being at some band rehearsal in Hastings, and being absolutely blown away by their version of Flight Of The Rat…Steve D.’s drumming was of course phenomenal, but the guitar sound was just amazing…the Ritchie distortion down to a tee, and using a Copicat if I remember rightly, and all those tricky riffs spot on…that must have been you Chris (I didn’t know you), and you on bass Iain…in short, now I know it was Effigy!!
Chris Baker… Wow! Thanks for the compliment!
Pete Fisher… You’re welcome Chris… you guys rocked! Back then I was really just beginning on electric guitar, and pretty ropey to be honest…I soaked up everything I could from other players, but it took me a few more years to get anything near being a good player myself (and who am I to judge?!!). It’s just funny that seeing you guys playing has stuck in my mind all these years, a kind of benchmark experience, which made me realise I had a long way to go back then…I persevered, and did end up playing and having fun in quite a few cool bands…
Steve Holland… I was there and so was my cool teacher Tony Billings
Following Geoff Peckham’s comment about Tom Jones from Bexhill…my God how the memories are suddenly stimulated on this site – incredible. I too got to know Tom – the Western Road shop bit jerked the memory. I think there was a girl connection and think that an old mate of mine Andy Towner maybe went out with Tom’s Sister for a while – maybe that’s how we got to know him. Trouble is, it was so long ago!!! I recall Tom talking about bands he was in. I seem to think one he mentioned was “Orange Bicycle” or even “White Bicycle” – sorry if it seems like I’m hedging my bets here, but the story was that one of these bands or one that Tom was in at least had previously had a small chart hit. Or…they’d had a small hit on a normal size chart!!
Now am I confused. Did not Nazareth – played on the pier of course more than once, have a song “White Bicycle”. Maybe a lie down in a darkended room is needed. It’s about time the nurse came with the medication.
well chaps, where to begin?
Chris. You were amazing at capturing Blackmore’s style, glad you still have that guitar, and that it gets played, I seem to recall it being Purple? I vaguely remember the gigs. Steve D was in his Deep Purple in Rock, Ian Paice period, so if Steve wanted to do it, we all did it. Miss you Steve.
The Old Hall in school road was opposite my old school, Sandown had a lower floor with some amazing artifacts, I believe the folk who lived above were artists and into music. As Alan says, there were some strange things that lived in there……….
Mr Peckham, you wont remember but at the YMCA gig you let me play you Mustang, the first Fender I ever got close to. Thank you, you were so kind. I had to have one and having seen a gorgeous sunburst maple neck precision in Mullet Smith music, conned my dad into buying it; now in the hands of Mr Gill, sporting a red finish, I believe.
I too remember Tom Jones, he told me that he was in Earth before Ozzy and that he was fired because he didn’t have a passport to do gigs abroad. He had a flat in Pelham Crescent at sometime. When Effigy folded, I lost track of him.
Dave; sorry I haven’t been in touch. My fault, 3 young kids and the Bellerophon prog project. I do now have a recording of Damaris on Hastings Pier, taken from and old mono recording by my ex. Thank you Tony Davis for running it onto CD. If you still have my email , send me your address and I will send you a copy.
…….. and once again thank you Alan for recording all this so that we, who are short in the memory department can relive those amazing days