Mike Day DJ – Pebbles Night Club Winchelsea Beach early 80’s

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Mike Day(Mick O’Dowd) at Pebbles (behind The Ship Pub) at Winchelsea Beach and previous known as the 58 Club. Mick went on to greater success with his promotion company – 558 Entertainments. Any information on records he’s the guy to ask.

Robert Searle….Played there a few times with Haze in the 70s. And seeing King Rod. Good days.

Tony Davies…. had my 10th birthday party at the 58 club back in 1963. My mum and dad owned a small caravan site in Winchelsea beach and we were virtually cut off from civilization due to massive snow falls. My dad, being the local milkman, was the only person who could get about cos he had chains on the milk van and he picked all my friends up in that and took us to the club. Bill and Norah ( the owners of the club) were good friends of my family.First time I got absolutely wrecked was when I was about 16 and Bill had just got some Stingo barley wine in and said that if we, my mate Eric and I, could drink six of these things, we could drink for free for the rest of the night,,,,,don’t think I got past five 🙁

Peter Millington….I played there when it was called the Lintonian Club during 1973-1975 in SPYKE (Peter (Ginger) Millington, Ian Williams, Terry …

Alan Esdaile….Used to go to the 58 club in Paul Wiseman’s bubble car. 3 people in the car or did we squeeze in 4, amps and microphones sticking out the roof. As we went round the corners we all had to pile to one side to stop it rolling over!

PEBBLESsupplied by Mick O’Dowd

Stuart Moir…..Played there many times with the original CP .

Barry Newton…..The 58 club, great times. I worked and played, not instruments, there for a few years when Bill Tribe had it and King, Rod were regulars. Met lots of great people, walked home to Rye on a few occasions, after closing on a few nights shot on mates bike to Battersea to go to anti-war rallies on the Sundays. Great days with great memories.

Hastings Local Band photos…..Played there too back in the 80’s with The Dekorators!

Julie Findlay-Jones……Omg yes dancing to Green onions with your sister, and wondering how were going to get home. lol x

Phil Thornton…..I loved playing with the abysmal sisters btw ! the ‘meh’ was for the venue which I dident bond with !

Alan Esdaile… Trying to work out the names of the groups on the poster on the wall and looks like Genie, Chose, Alpha and Glides?

Tony May…  Ah yes, the old days when a DJ was meant to be an MC and an entertainer as well as being good at keeping the party going. Now its all changed and DJ’s don’t even have a microphone at all – if there is a fire in the club you burn!! HA HA HA

Joe Knight… where I first met CENTER PAGE!!! 1981 RIP DAVE!!!

Mick O’Dowd… Yeah Antony we liked to call ourselves ” personality jocks” and your right we kept the party going on many occasion when bands didn’t give the public what they wanted but these were few & far between. Think you’re right there Alan. Genie were regulars. We also started a “cowboy night” when people turned up dressed as cowboys/girls. Think this was run by a guy call “Twigg”. We had to stop it in the end because they only drank LEMONADE which was not profitable! There was also a “Blues Night” on Sundays and I believe Andy Knight & Paul Dengate recorded a live album with 4AM. Think i’ve still got a cassette of this somewhere. Sadly this was shortly lived due to dwindling interest. Louis Turpin was another who played there.

Merv Kennard… totally agree in our day djs were meant to be entertainers, not just push buttons.

Mick O’Dowd… I have survived at the moment!

Deb Hoad… Remember those days well Mick .good times for sure !!!! ……..and remember if you’re driving , don’t forget to take the car !!!

Kev Towner… This looks like a still from Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club – thankyou please!!

Kathy Harding… OMG i remember Pebbles, used to love it there.

Linda Lowcock… We all used to go over Kathy didn’t we ! Les played a few times I think ? Xx

Keith Veness… Good old days remember the pies

Kathy Harding… He did Lin, in Centre Page, we had some great nights.

Carol Arnold… Aahh yes great times

Blues Night with 4AM – June 1981

Eric Harmer… 58 club ??

Merv Kennard… Remember the 58 club, I was a member in the early 70s. Terry James did a lot of gigs there as DC disco.

Mick O’Dowd… Great memories!

Chris Baker… Those were the days! 58 Club was a wonderful place to play. Hot and sweaty just like it should be!

Wendy Weaver… Wow



2 thoughts on “Mike Day DJ – Pebbles Night Club Winchelsea Beach early 80’s”

  1. Think you’re right there Alan. Genie were regulars. We lso started a “cowboy night” when people turned up dressed as cowboys/girls. Think this was run by a guy call “Twigg”. We had to stop it in the end because they only drank LEMONADE which was not profitable! There was also a “Blues Night” on Sundays and I believe Andy Knight & Paul Dengate recorded a live album with 4AM. Think i’ve still got a cassette of this somewhere. Sadly this was shortly lived due to dwindling interest. Louis Turpin was another who played there.


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