SMART coffee meet report number 72


SMART coffee meet report number 72

Our 72 meet and the sun was shining! Among the newbies this time were Steve Avery, Barbara White and Geoff Fearn. Steve had with him a large bag full of cassettes, Slade, Madness, Quadrophenia etc which is what he always took away when he was a merchant sailor. He also has happy memories when he roadied for Elvis Costello on the pier. Geoff was chatting about when he used to love going to all the clubs including The Witch Doctor, Aquarius and Bonitas, he also had some great times when he was touring with Judge Dread. Dave Muriel had a photo album which included inside photos of the house in Foyles War. Lloyd Johnson had a bumper book from Motor-Lucifer Japan, of his very collectable rock ’n’ roll clothing range La Rocka! Chris Stovold had cd’s of the MonaLisa Twins who play Beatles and more covers and highly recommends them. Pete Houghton had with him autographed posters from The Cobweb and autograph singles from Led Zeppelin, Slade, Mobiles and others. Anthony ‘Nan’ Morland had The Story of Hastings Pier 1982 book, Priory Road School book ‘The Priory’ from 1959 which included a bizarre WH Smith advert. He also had a very early Gaiety Picture Theatre programme. Barry French had sheet music of Clodagh Rodgers Jack In The Box and Sandie Shaw Puppet On A String which has the stamp of Attwells St Leonards on the cover. He also had an album from Duane Eddy and a collection of Ringo Starr singles. Ian Marketis had some wonderful photos of Tina Turner, from the Wildest Dreams tour, when she was at Wembley Stadium. Together with CD, tour programme and ticket from Cadbury. This is just a small bit of what I remember. If you had anything interesting you were talking about or anything I missed out or got wrong! then please feel free to add or correct.

Cris and Merv Kennard… Big thank you to Alan for getting us all together again.

Colin Bell… Good to see the two of you

Claire Lonsdale… Great afternoon as usual Alan. Thank you xxx

Jackie Hersee… I am away at the moment so could not come. I hope to be at the next one though

Lance Collins… One day I will be able to finish work early and come and see you all

Monica Bane… Sorry I didn’t stay long but it was meant to be as family do In the old town! Looking forward to next meeting

David Martin… Sorry I couldn’t make it today Alan , see you all next time

Wendy and Graham Weaver… Great afternoon. Thanks Alan.

Linda Boiling… Sorry I couldn’t make it yesterday. Hope to be there next time.

Start Moir… Paul Burton and Don Climpson playing with the bands up above us RIP guys miss you loads .

Mick O’Dowd… Another good afternoon although a little cramped du to the temporary rooms. Nice chats and interesting people,

Colin Bell… Great, as ever, to see & catch up with everyone & an ‘alfresco’ bonus space!

Peter Ellingworth… Sorry not able to attend this meet Alan, but will next one. Thanks for all you do in organising these.

Dave Jenkins… A fantastic afternoon , especially meeting new people and sharing music interest.



Jimmy James R.I.P.

John Gale… RiP Jimmy

Colin Bell… So sorry to hear this, had some great times together RIP Jimmy

Alan Esdaile… Great singer, very sad.

Merv Kennard… Have always liked his songs.

Mick O’Dowd… So sad! Brilliant live performer and had some good tunes along the way. First caught on to him in early 60’s. Then had an album called “Live at the Marquee” which featured Jimmy & Vagabonds on one side and The Alan Bown on the other. Great stuff. Saw him last with Edwin Starr at Bognor Butlins on a soul weekender!

Robert Searle… First artist to have a hit with Red Red Wine. Neil Diamond wrote it never to become a hit, Jimmy James RIP

The Nite People plus Orange Certificate – Hastings Pier 18th May 1968


supplied by Sarah Harvey

Sarah Harvey… The Nite People. Hastings Pier. May 18th, 1968. Originated from Bournemouth 1965. Nite People were signed to Fontana records in 1966 before signing to Page One in 1969. Recorded couple of demos for Avenue Artists 1967 at Bob Potter’s studio in Mytchett, Surrey and in London, 1969 to be included on their LP for Page One records entitled P.M.. They disbanded in 1970.
Their sole album originally issued in 1970 on the collectable Page One label and one of their rarest releases. Progressive/psychedelic sound dominated by Hammond organ/guitar with cool jazz-funk and rare-groove touches, including the mod-club classic “P.M.,” the superb instrumentals “Funky Hoe” and a top cover of Frank Zappa’s “Peaches en Regalia,” among others.