Holiday Express 27th May 1973 programme – White Rock Pavilion featuring The Athelstan Sound, Tina and others

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supplied by Alan Brett

Phil Gill… Ten pence!!

Alan Esdaile…  I think this is the programme price Phil. However we were seeing top rock acts on the pier for 50p/60p at the time.

Pete Fisher… Actually Phil, it says here that both Dave and Alan of the Athelstan Band play electric plectrum guitars, which I believe you do as well. It also says that Alan has learnt to play the Hawaiian Steel Guitar in an effort to produce a different sound, and that both brothers have learnt to play banjo. I think this sets a remarkable example to upcoming musicians like yourself, which you might do well to take note of…

Barry French… Tina worked at Mullett Smith Music around this period. Occasionally she would play keyboards with Bob Smiths Band the Alamo at the Yorkshire Grey Pub London Road

David Miller… Aha – those must be the electric plectrum guitars of which they spoke…I don’t see what makes the plectrums electric though…batteries, maybe?

1 thought on “Holiday Express 27th May 1973 programme – White Rock Pavilion featuring The Athelstan Sound, Tina and others”

  1. Tina worked at Mullet & Smith music around this period.
    Occasionally she would play keyboards with Bob Smiths Band the Alamo at the Yorkshire Grey Pub London Road


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