Joe Knight R.I.P.

Tim Phillips… RIP Joe Knight a loving father, a kind hearted man who loved his music and football. He will be dearly missed by us all . Sending our love to little Joe and all the family. A sad day

Leigh Mitchell… Oh that is so sad! RIP Joe

Alan Esdaile… Very sad news.

Bernard Goffredo… that’s sad

Paul Crimin… So sad. He was a really nice man, a gentleman. RIP Joe. Condolences to his family and all who knew him.

Eric Harmer… Sad news RIP Joe

Paul Huggett… RIP , Joe . One of the good guys.

Colin Bell… RIP Joe, fly high.

Eric Harmer… Sad times

Gordon Giltrap – The Albion and Kings Head in Hastings 1978 and Ritz set to play Ore festival.



photo not Hastings but from 1978. Source: Gordon Giltrap Facebook page. photo Jim Sheers.

Alan Esdaile… didn’t Phil Thornton do some recordings with him?

Phil Thornton… No, we did a uk tour together, I played synths on a few of his songs and supported him with a solo set. Can’t remember what year it was, maybe late 80’s. Gordon was and is excellent ! Mostly solo instrumental acoustic guitar ! Irene Hume (Prelude lead singer) was also on that tour !

Chris Sambrook… Saw Gordon Giltrap at the old Marina Bar with Ric Sanders on Violin. Blooming good it was.

Steve Cooke… One of my favourite guitarists. That ages me! Saw him several times, last time at Earl’s Court Music Show.

The Viking Eastbourne 76/77

Supplied by Chris Coleman

Chris Coleman… The Viking, Eastbourne 76/77 NMP

Ian Turner… Does anyone remember Traffic playing here in the late 60s when it was the Catacombe?

Mick Gilfrin… I do and it was an afternoon gig . I can’t remember when but I would guess 1967 ? I was still at school and didn’t go as I had double maths ! ( sad ) I think it was quite early on before they became famous.

Robert Searle… Played there a few times with Easy Street etc

Chris Baker… I am guessing that sign looked better when it was illuminated! (Don’t blame me, my wife was a typesetter!).

Alan Esdaile… Jon McCallion, wasn’t it here we had to go to, to try and get some money from the guy that put ‘Muller’ on at the Pier Hotel and hadn’t paid us?

Jon McCallion… I don’t know, I can remember the pier hotel, but as far as chasing the money is concerned, I have no idea.


Who remembers money canisters in shops?


Alan Esdaile… I’m pretty sure they used to do this in Wards?

Matt Thomas…  I used to put them up the chute at Tesco on my till lift rounds

Arthur Sutherland… enners in Edinburgh, you should have seen the cashiers end, like som huge pipe organ without the keyboards.

Leigh Wieland-Boys… They had these when I worked at Plummer Roddis, Hastings in 1971!

Jim Breeds… I don’t remember it in Wards, but maybe. I know I was fascinated by one shop that had the vacuum tube system. I think it was Mastins? If you want to see the modern equivalent visit Specsavers in Queens Road

Ian Quinnell… Mastins and also Plummers before it became Debenhams

Fiona Evans… Plummers used a similar system,I believe.

Josie Lawson… Yes I worked there

Keith Cowper… Me Mastins Hastings

Sandie Carlyon… Yes they did

Josie Lawson…  Definitely. I worked in Plummer Roddis Ltd now Debenhams. I also worked in the office and did what was called sanctions. I dealt with them on occasion

Roy Penfold… Sill in use in some supermarkets. Looks like drain plumbing running up from the till areas.

Dave Nattress… Yes, when I was very young my ma used to go into a large – well seemed large to me at the time, drapers shop (I think it was), in Sackville Road, Bexhill and they used this type of device. In fact, I think it was probably a vacuum type device.  Seem to recall now whooshing sound as containers went up and across under the ceiling. I don’t think I’ve made any of this up!!

Nigel Ford… Bobby’s in Eastbourne had that system.

Sid Saunders… Mastins in Hastings where Iceland is now had it.

Nastassja Kaschevsky… Sainsburys in the 1980s when it was where ESK is now, also used them

Pauline Richards… Mastins!!

Huw Gruffydd… Me.

Linda Day… Upstairs in Trueform’s, I worked there from leaving school

Lyn Farkley Appleyard… I remember that…brings a smile!

Monica Bane… Ah, yes remember at Philpots. In the 1950 fifths!

Julie Findlay-Jones… Some Tescos use them

Matt Thomas… I do when I was working at Tesco late 80s, helping the supervisors do the till lifts and having to send these to the cash office via the vacuum chutes

Chris Dullard… Yep

Lloyd Johnson… I Love those systems…didn’t Jepson’s have one..the last time I saw one was in the late 60s in Pontins Department store on High Street Kensington in West London.