Supplied by Lloyd Johnson
Lloyd Johnson… Thought this might be of interest..if you read the write up from The Observer it mentions a skiffle group…This skiffle group were ‘The Jeanagers’ who won a National Skiffle contest on the telly…sadly they never seems to get mentioned anywhere….But I remember them playing at the morning assembly at my school ‘Hastings Secondary Modern School For Boys’ in the 50s ….for me it was a turning point in my out look….we had our very own popstars right here in our school as some of the members were pupils at Priory Road School….
Juliette Dodd… Gary Veness, your dad was in this skiffle band. I’m pretty sure this is Bruce…
Lloyd Johnson… Yes! it is as it’s Dave Muriel left and Dave Holt right as you look at the photo…all three were in ‘The Jeanagers’ skiffle group….
Ian Maclean… Willie Dutton guitar Tony Rossi drums Johnny Newman tea chest base cannot remember the 4th member at the moment. Stood in for Tony on drums/washboard at a gig at the opening of the Galilee club in Wellington Square. Long time ago. They practised in Willie’s front room in Lower Park road. Very good group.
Lloyd Johnson… Ian, Wasn’t it The Galleon Club?…didn’t Jack and Doris run it if my memory serves me well?
Ian Maclean… You are dead right. it was The Galleon club.There was also another club over the old Maidstone and district bus office at the bottom of Castle Hill road. I think it was the Normandy? Both late night drinking holes if I remember right.
Lloyd Johnson… Ian, Dave Muriel & Bruce Veness were in the Jeanagers at one point…Dave Muriel is second from left top row in the photo….I still see Dave….these are his photos….
Tony Powell… just found this again Ian…
Alan Esdaile… looks like the one by the pier.
Gary Veness… Juliette, I can see him . There is a guys hat hiding half of his face . Was your Dad there as well. It is 100%
Ian Mclean… Hello Tony, hope you are both well. Top Tony Rossi, Dave Holt.( great guitarist and swimmer) Johnny Newman and myself.