Mungo Jerry – Hastings Pier 19th June 1981

Pete Fairless… In The Summer Time… Now, what was that lyric? “If her Daddy’s rich buy her a pier…”

Mike Guy… I’m still performing The Man Behind The Piano, Mighty Man, and Baby Jump! How many songs do you know where a bloke gets drunk, touches a woman, gets a thump from her husband, & gets peed on by a dog?

Joe Knight… See him early 80s Kings Country Club

Gerry Fortsch… Is this the gig that we the Hippo Band played support at? Mungo Jerry were a great bunch of guys.

Alan Esdaile… Not sure Gerry who the support band was. Anyone confirm?

Linda Day… We saw Mungo Jerry in a field somewhere can’t remember where

Micky Erends… he was great, saw him on Hastings Pier

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