The Three Degrees White Rock Theatre Hastings 30th June 1985

Mike Waghorne… This must have been not long after the referb because Joseph was on when we were working in the later part of the works

Dave Nattress… A hark back then to the two performances a night days of late 50’s and early 60’s. Still I guess some live bands do two sets. With the exception of Damaris, the later bands I was in sometimes did two sets or half repeated the first anyway! The intermission enabled copious amounts of refreshments to be taken so the second set was a little looser and we all seemed to find 11 on the volume controls on the amps and PA!!


1 thought on “The Three Degrees White Rock Theatre Hastings 30th June 1985”

  1. A hark back then to the two performances a night days of late 50’s and early 60’s. Still I guess some live bands do two sets. With the exception of Damaris, the later bands I was in sometimes did two sets or half repeated the first anyway! The intermission enabled copious amounts of refreshments to be taken so the second set was a little looser and we all seemed to find 11 on the volume controls on the amps and PA!!


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