all photos supplied by Yvonne Cleland
Terry Corder, Will Thomson, Tony Barraclough and Kevin Hoad on drums.
Yvonne Cleland…..Awwwwww what a great band they were! Yes, Will has his hand on Tony’s knee, and Tony is a bit nervous. 🙂 I do believe these were taken at the Yorkshire Grey. This was before Wesley Magoogan joined the band which later metamorphosed, lost Moff, Tony and Terry, added Den Wootton and Mike Tanner and became Felix.
Andy Qunta…..Excellent!
John Wilde…..Really good to see these photos. Great days for all.
Pete Fisher…..remember being present at a rehearsal in a church hall in Hastings, where Terry was the tall guy on bass and vocals,, with an amazing vocal range, and it was Loud!!
Terry Corder… Wow! That’s going back a bit. Probably 1972/3.