Huffey’s newsagent, Station Approach, Hastings – 1960

Paul Cullen… Didn’t there used to be a letting agency above there?

Mark Rodrigues… Paul, to the left! I remember seeing the ads in the window. I think you’re right though, it was upstairs.

David Hazleton… an ever such a nice chap used to own/run the shop when i joined the railway in the 1980’s i seem to remember things didn’t go well for him i think he wore a flat cap and always had time for everyone, i was sorry for what happened

Mick Boss… 5 Park Drive and evening Argos please

Matt Thomas…

Shaun Pont… I believe that it was raided by the Obscene Publications Squad in the 70’s.

Patricia Sheridan… Remember this shop used to get sweets and cigarettes from there

Mark Rodrigues…I used to go in there regularly too and would spend time speaking to him and a teacher who used to teach me at St Richards, Mrs Price. Doesn’t reflect what the building looked like, though I wanted to tip my hat to,it as I imagined it was this shop with him as the man in the paper shop in my song, which I later did drawings for…

Bernard Morphew… I worked for the Evening Argus in 1969-72 and went into Huffey’s sometimes twice a day

Ju-ju Davies… I remember the little stair case and going up there with my sister to a letting agency

Jan Warren… Used to go in there a lot when I lived in Middle Street in the early 70s!

Graham Mccallion… I remember those days!

Alan Esdaile… anyone remember, there used to be shops on the left hand side, as you walked to the station?

Bernard Morphew… On the right used to be the Evening News with the Evening Standard at the top of Middle Street.

Steve Thorpe… Dear old Ray Huffey!

Dot Mountford… Steve, he was such a lovely man pity it was demolished for a modern station approach, to a station that looks like a green house, the old victorian station was so much nicer…

Antony ‘Nan’ Morland… A later photo.

photo © Anthony ‘Nan’ Morland

Huffeys Advert…

Eileen MacNaughtan… I would of been 9 years old arriving by train from London and my dad would get a newspaper and something for me.




1 thought on “Huffey’s newsagent, Station Approach, Hastings – 1960”

  1. an ever such a nice chap used to own/run the shop when i joined the railway in the 1980’s i seem to remember things didnt go well for him i think he wore a flat cap and always had time for everyone i was sorry for what happened


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