The Great Storm of 1987

photos by Michael Martin and Jimmy Burke. Hastings Observer.

Wendy Weaver… Lost almost all of our roof in the 87 storm.

Gill Harrod… Todays storm certainly similar!

Matt Thomas… Gill, I don’t think nowhere near in comparison

Tara Reddy… Many roofing businesses started up that year!!

Lorna Brazier… And that’s just a small fraction of the damage across Hastings & St Leonards in 87.

Christopher Parry… I was at sea during that storm,I’m just saying. I remember those days!

Monica Bane… Great pics, Still have the newspaper from that year!

Paul Collins… Looks like a piano landed on the roof of The Cricketers

Steve Beerling… I was working on the building as a labourer in the 87 storm and remember going up ladders the next morning repairing roofs and it was still pretty blowy up on them. Pretty daunting.

Alan Frost… I had just painted the cooling towers at Gatwick when the storm hit, my manager and myself were on top of the cooling towers tieing down a sheet to stop the rain washing our paintwork off

Ian Johnson… I remember that storm I put my Grandads roof back on the next day in the rain with Ivan

Amanda Hilton… I’d been at work as a control Operator for East Sussex Fire Brigade for 6 weeks it was a massive learning curve. Nothings fazed me after that. I retired after 34 years service .

Nicola Dobson… Worst night of my life

Broadoak Studios… I slept through that one!

Neil Cartwright… Our fence picked up and flew like a frisbee into our conservatory.

Dawn… Slept through it and total shock when I woke up. My dad however, worked through the night at Beauport Caravan Site to keep everyone safe. Lots of trees down – Scary stuff!

Alan Esdaile… Friday 16th October 1987.

David Martin… I watched my timber summer house lift off the ground about 2 feet & crash to the ground with my kids hamsters in ! They survived it !

Graham Sherrington… Horrible I had left the country in Sept to a phone free country did not know anything till 1988.

Stuart Moir… The big storm “Michael Fish”

Wendy Weaver… We lost our roof (St Paul’s Road). Could get anyone to repair it for 6 months. Went through more gales, snow etc with just tarpaulins.

Sparrow Baker… Was working in Robertsbridge signal box. Interesting night


1 thought on “The Great Storm of 1987”

  1. Slept through it and total shock when I woke up. My dad however, worked through the night at Beauport Caravan Site to keep everyone safe. Lots of trees down – Scary stuff!


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