Elvis Costello – Hastings Beach 1991


source: http://www.elviscostellofans.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=6792

Elvis Costello on Hastings Beach, 1991 by Keith Morris.

Thanks to Andrew Clifton for finding this and Stuart Huggett for the links.

Stuart Huggett… It’s an an out-take from the shoot for his ‘The Other Side Of Summer’ single.

Mark Gilham… Fished that effluent pipe many a time and never knew.

Ernest Ballard… I was working in The Queens hotel when Elvis was staying there. We were told strictly not to badger him and allow him space. On the third night in the bar after a few drinks he shouted ” why is everyone blanking me? Do you lot not know who I am ? “. We told him we weren’t allows to speak to him. Ha ha he then bought us all a drink. He was recording at Paul Mcartneys studio locally. I’ve fished there with you Mark. Caught some eels and whiting as I remember, And dabs I think.

Andre Martin… Great piece of beach art in the background !

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