Happy Harold Hastings 1993

photos © Graham Sherrington

Graham Sherrington… Hastings week October 1993

Peter Ellingworth… I think it was giving rides as well –  seem to remember a trip to the Old Town & back with the then Mayor on board. Not quite the same, but most enjoyable never the less, as when my cousin and I used to ride on it when  travelling between  Bopeep & the Fishmarket on a summer Sunday evening  under the wires – we used to get at the back of the top deck and watch the blue flashes when it negotiated the overhead wiring junction at the bottom of London Road where it met the no 11 route from Silverhill or Hollington. Great job the local group are doing keeping ‘HH’ maintained – no easy task.


1 thought on “Happy Harold Hastings 1993”

  1. I think it was giving rides as well – seem to remember a trip to the Old Town & back with the then Mayor on board.
    Not quite the same, but most enjoyable never the less, as when my cousin and I used to ride on it when travelling between Bopeep & the Fishmarket on a summer Sunday evening under the wires – we used to get at the back of the top deck and watch the blue flashes when it negotiated the overhead wiring junction at the bottom of London Road where it met the no 11 route from Silverhill or Hollington.
    Great job the local group are doing keeping ‘HH’ maintained – no easy task.


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