Hudson Ford Hastings Pier 1st February 1975


Lloyd Johnson… Johnny Ford was in a band with Kenny Comfort and Melvyn Grant for a very brief time in 1966…I got them together with Dave Dufort on drums and arranged an audition with Dick James but we had limited equipment and they did the audition but everything was feeding back so it didn’t come to anything. Johnny wrote a dozen songs in 3 weeks….Dave Dufort had just left Paper Blitz Tissue a Psychedelic band …Dave’s Mum & Dad were my landlord at the time …Hudson Ford were customers and use to wear the POPART jackets I was making at the time….I just noticed The Small Brothers were support is that the band Chris Thompson was in?….great R&B band with good harmonica player. Chris is a friend and a neighbour….

Alan Esdaile… Interesting story Lloyd. Remember doing the disco for Hudson Ford. They were great.


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