Alan Esdaile… Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was not able to make this one myself. The missed leaflet above, which will be available at the next meet.
Merv & Cris Kennard… Seemed to go very well I’d say about 30 to 40 people including 6 newbies.
Claire Lonsdale… It was pretty well attended. Some nice conversations going on, but you were conspicuous by your absence. We missed you and hope you’re ok. Xxx
Stephen Moran… As Claire said above it was quite well attended; Mick and I thought there were between 30-40. You were missed by everyone there Alan. I hope you are doing ok and are able to schedule another SMART meet soon.
Jackie Hersee… I really enjoyed it Alan. I met some very lovely ladies and hope to meet them at the next meet-up . I hope you are ok
Lloyd Johnson… t was well attended Alan we had fun!…how are you ?…are you okay?
Alan Esdaile… I’m ok thanks. Very pleased it went well.
Lloyd Johnson… Alan, we missed you and the leaflets….it was a bit strange as the leaflets give the room atmosphere…..see you next time…
Keith Veness… Good meeting enjoyed
Mick O’Dowd… Agree with all the above. It was like Morecombe without Wise though and yo were missed. I had an interesting chat with 3 young ladies who were attending for the first time and said that they would be back. Had a great chat also with the Prof. Stephen Moran. What ever was the cause of your absence(and Colin too) I hope that it is sorting itself. Take care.
Jon McCallion… Sorry I missed it I will attend the next one. Hope all is good with you Alan and Colin
Steve Holland… Muller photo, I was there Steve is still playing Lead Guitar.
Wendy & Graham Weaver… It was a good meet up but it wasn’t the same without you. Looking forward to next time.
Nigel Ford… Met up again with one of the original and still Hastings Rock DJ’s, Simon Halsey and were talking about bands we saw at venues in the town including the Chatsworth that I never went to but we were both at the Budgie gig at the Aquarius apparently and Simon hadn’t long moved to Hastings and this was his first band to see here.
Nigel Ford… Was hoping to meet Stallions roadie who was there a couple of meets ago but didn’t have time to, but don’t know who he is to ask if he was there again?
Alan Esdaile… Hi Nigel, the person you’re thinking of is Digger. Hopefully he will be at the next one and if so I will point him out.
Met up again with one of the original and still Hastings Rock DJ’s, Simon Halsey and were talking about bands we saw at venues in the town including the Chatsworth that I never went to but we were both at the Budgie gig at the Aquarius apparently and Simon hadn’t long moved to Hastings and this was his first band to see here.
Was hoping to meet Stallions roadie who was there a couple of meets ago but didn’t have time to, but don’t know who he is to ask if he was there again?