Ricky Adelaide… This LP cover thing going on, can anyone remember this local chap great musician sadly no longer with us. Had a studio back of Catsfield went there few times was a really nice man ,,,, back in the day
Martin Stringer… I was in his band and spent many happy hours writing songs with him. Eventually I used to live in his house every weekend so we could work into the early hours. Very fond memories of Phil and Kevin Hoad. We had so.much fun.
Ricky Adelaide… Few credits on here of local musicians
Chris Cozens… Tape-Op – Mike Hedges!!! Whatever happened to him?
Phil Gill… Stallion enjoyed a brilliant relationship with Phil Cordell from 1975/76. He paid for studio time for us in two studios, and brought us into his home studio at Ninfield on several occasions. I remember at one of these sessions at his house he played us a rough mix of a song called “Bavarian Nights”, which later surfaced on his 1977 album “Born Again”, which I have. He was great to be around and we learned a lot from him in terms of studio techniques. He also very kindly lent me a Revox tape recorder so I could demo up some song ideas I had. I found him to be very creative and fun to be around and I guess we owe him some sort of acknowledgement. He’s referenced in the sleeve notes for our CD, “The Hard Life” and I’ve pasted below some paragraphs from that which may be of interest.
“With John (Wilde) on board, Stallion began making something of a reputation for themselves and, as a result, they appeared on the radar of producer and solo artist Phil Cordell. Promptly deciding they should have some
studio time with him in the producer’s seat, in July 1975, Cordell took them into the studio to cut an edited
version of their seven minute song “If Life Were Death”, proposing it as the follow up single to his
number one hit in Europe, “I Will Return”, which he had recorded under the pseudonym “Springwater”. It was the band’s first outing with a producer. Cordell’s techniques were certainly not wasted on them and his
production ideas were quickly assimilated and mentally stored for future use. His producer’s flair for
arrangements and overdubs, particularly keyboards, opened the band’s eyes to many new possibilities.
Cordell showed them how to double track the string sound, with the second track detuned slightly to give a
thicker, richer sound, a technique the band used in the studio thereafter to provide the Mellotron texture they
were seeking. Bassist Phil Gill, then on his debut studio outing, was asked to lay down several overdubs
of 12 string acoustic guitar. He assumed Cordell was being sarcastic when, at the end of his first overdub,
he told him to go and do another take in the toilet. After the band stopped laughing, they realised that
Cordell was serious; the lavatory was tiled and provided a great natural reverb which brought the acoustic guitar to life, another trick noted and used again in later recordings. The time they spent with Cordell became something of a defining moment for the band, with the results serving to help crystallise their signature sound.”
Robert Searle… Phil, I recorded at Phil’s studio at Ninfield in the early 70s. I used to live in Ninfield and wasn’t too far from his place. He was a real nice guy and fun to be with.
Shaun Pont… Dan the Banjo Man. Radio Luxembourg Powerplay in 1973 and a number one in Europe that year.
Terry Pack… Kev Hoad introduced me to Phil around 1979/80. We met at The Merry Harrier(?) in Cowbeech with a view to doing something, but what actually resulted was a lot of talking and drinking!
Mike Waghorne… I remember him
Alan Pepper… Fascinating Phil . What an interesting read . Thank you for sharing your memories . I didn’t know Phil was such a great fellow . All I knew was what I had heard about his Rare Earth records – Great stuff !!
Neil Stephen Partrick… Was he IN Rare Earth?
Alan Esdaile… No. Dan The Banjo Man singles were released on Rare Earth Records. His biggest hit, under the name Springwater was I Will Return.
Martyn Baker… “Steppin’ Out” version of a Bruce Springsteen unreleased song was recorded by Phil at his Ninfield studio, and was produced by Ray Fenwick. (Ray had a demo from Bruce). This was just before the formation of The Roaring 80’s – so it would have been about 1976 maybe? One of my girlfriends at the time (Terri Ogley) provided the breathy girly voice. Tich is doing his best Bruce impression?
Mick O’Dowd… I used to use Springwater’s version of Sailing as my run-out groove at the end of the night.
Jonathan Ward… I ended up buying a car he used to own in the 70’s – a black soft-top Skilton Perkins Roadster. If anyone who knew him has memories of this car when he owned it, we would love to hear from you! We believe he used to ride around Ninfield on a palomino horse too?!
Phil Gill… I remember this car, he drove it open top from Ninfield on a sunny July day in 1975 to Saturn Sound Studio in Worthing for our first Stallion session with him. We all followed in the band van, apart from John Wilde, who blagged the passenger seat in Phil’s roadster. Fabulous car.
Alan Esdaile… I remember going to the studios in Worthing with Steve. Don’t know if this was the same session but started out early evening and went on all night, with about 40 plus takes and then decided the 2nd or 3rd one was the best!
Phil Gill… That would probably have been the Skinny Kid/Cobra sessions, assuming you went to Saturn Sound, so no, that was earlier in the year than the one I was on with Phil C in 1975, which we did in two days, with a day’s break in between. We recorded on Tuesday 29th July 1975, took Weds 30th off and went back in on Thursday 31st to overdub and mix. Also I would have remembered if you’d been there. I didn’t keep a diary, but the dates are etched on my memory due to it being my debut studio outing and my friend dying in a motorcycle accident on the Wednesday. I met him in town at lunchtime and we chatted about how cool his job at at Herstmonceux Observatory was, and about my previous day’s studio session and what Stallion were due to do in the studio on the following day. He rode off back to work and died an hour later. I heard the news the following day. Those are the sort of events which stay with you when you’re 19.
Alan King… Alan, that’s always the way, musos in studios, boys with toys
Robert Searle… A good friend
Martin Stringer… I was in Springwater along with Kevin Hoad. Phil and I along with copious amounts of booze would write songs long into the night. So many happy memories. Great man. Massive talent.
Stuart Moir… Met him many times on the booze circuit sinking the dreaded lager
Garry Wonfor… Wasn’t he the man behind “Springwater”…. with the instrumental “I will return”… with “Stone Cross” on the B side??… On Polydor records if I remember right.
Chèrie Richards… My parents owned the Merry Harriers pub mentioned and I worked the bar and restaurant. They ate and drank with us for 12 years! I rode the horses with his wife and daughter. They lived walking distance from the pub in Cowbeech. He had a studio in the garage. Many late nights at his place and many happy memories. My sister married his drummer Paul Freemen. He was wonderful. Very funny and happy. I miss him. Chèrie.
Heather Johnson… Ah happy days ! I worked for Phil and his wife Christine looking after their horses when thy lived in Ninfield and then Cowbeach.He had a Palamino horse that he used to ride down to the White Hart pub Catsfield ,tie it up and have a few drinks.Quite the business in his western saddle and stetson hat. His daughter claire used to show jump they had a son called charlie who was also a musician who sadly past away recently.
Geoff Hawkins… I was bass player in Phil’s first band ‘the challengers’ AKA ‘the Prophets, for 21/2 years. He lived just round the corner to me and I knew his family. We got on very well and I visited him for a long weekend after I left the band. He was living somewhere in Surrey, where in his very makeshift studio I laid down some chords on the piano, which later became ‘I will return’ I wish we had kept in touch. Hundreds of great gigs with him. Taken far too soon
Tony Ball… I had to turn down tour abroad as bass with Phil as I didn’t have a current passport and he rang me one Friday and was due to leave on Monday. I would have loved to have gone, great bloke.
Jeff van Weenen… Just seen this, Phil was my best friend at school in Enfield, Chase secondary modern.He was kind of a quiet guy in class,always seem to be somewhere else, but thinking about music all the time.We lived near each other, Phil in Drake Street, me in Canonbury Road,I was always at his house talking about starting a band,he had three brothers who always went to the Tottenham Royal to see the DC5 and the Who.After we left school at fifteen we knocked about together, then at seventeen we lost touch,I went to live in Australia for a few years,and Phil got stuck into music.I became a pro drummer,and Phil was recording with his band so I’d heard,I never saw him again, and regret not seeking him out,but as we get older,our lives take different highways,but he was a really great guy to hang with as two fifteen year olds.I’m on FB as Jeff boy if anyone wants to get in touch.
John Wilde… Very nice guy, stepped in to advise and record with local band Stallion.
Zig… I met Phil in 2000 when I joined a band with his son Charlie. Phil had retired from music at this point, saying that he no longer had the bottle to perform on stage. I spent many happy hours in the company of Phil and his family. He was a kind, funny and generous guy. While we were jamming and recording demos in his house, he would cook us curries, which were so hot they blew your head off. He said it was because he damaged his taste buds in the 70s, so couldn’t taste anything. Most importantly, he was always offering us a drink. I remember, he would sit with us and play acoustic guitar, talking us through the song writing process and telling stories about his career in music. I later lived in his house (rent free) for a short time after he died, just too keep an eye on the place. Charlie, who sadly passed away a few years ago, was an epic guitarist and charismatic frontman. He was one of my best friends and I carried his coffin at his funeral. His daughter Claire also passed away in recent years. She was also a unique and amazing person who would sneak us into Glastonbury for free and get us wrist bands. A wonderful family, who I miss dearly.
Martyn Baker… Phil Cordell recorded Steppin’ Out at his Ninfield Studio with myself, Martin Stringer, Tich Turner, Roger Hubbard, Wesley Magoogan, Andy Knight and later Kevin Head. He was a lovely guy and very talented. I seem to remenber Ray Fenwick co- producing. What Larks! This was in 1976. This Bruce Spingsteen song that was only demoed by Bruce at the time (Ray got hold of the demo) was one of his recordings, but we did more:- https://soundcloud.com/yougig-studios/steppin-out-seaside-bar-song?in=yougig-studios/sets/roaring-80s-steppin-out&si=1b18c8936c7e4745b9f962f7269a77d8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Wesley Magoogan… I went with Tich and Ray to the studios in London by the Holborn swimming baths where we did ‘Seaside Bar song’ with Cliff Richard’s drummer on the track. The studio was in Ninfield and this was the first album I ever played on. Then we did the recordings at the ‘Power Station’ in Willesden.
Robert Searle… He was a friend of mine,he was a talented musician, could play a variety of musical instruments, and a good songwriter. Been to his house at Ninfield and his studio.RIP Phil
Pete Prescott… I have that very album! Local players are on it. Ray Fenwick, Phil Gill.
Phil Thorton… Yes – great guy, did a session in his studio back in the day ( with Phil Gill & Steve Demetri )
Jacquie Hinves… With Kevin Hoad as well. Phil was a beloved friend. I have a few of his Springwater and Dan the banjo man records. We would spend weekends with Phil with Revy Stockdale, Kevin, Christine, Ray and Barbie Fenwick! when he lived in Ninfield . When they moved to Cowbeech the house was always buzzing ! Charlie ( Farley) was born when we were there . Martin Stringer( String pants) was staying with Phil at the time.The days at The White Horse at Bodel Street and The Welcome Stranger At Herstmonceux were something to experience. The saddest thing is that all the people mentioned have all died. I miss them all so much , but the memories are still so vivid. Rest In Peace you mad gang. Xx
Jeff Wren… Interesting reading….I have been trying to find the guitar tabs for “I will return” by Spring water, if anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated. Many Thanks Jeff.
Geoff Hawkins… In reply to Jeff van Weenen, Just looking at your post, I lived at Lea Road, just round the corner of Drake street. It was then that he knocked at our house and said “I’ve just heard you playing bass, do you want to do an audition, we are forming a band” That band became the Challengers AKA the Prophets. He and I enjoyed hundreds of gigs over two and a half years before I left. A bit later he asked if I could join him with me on the banjo as a spot in a function in a London hotel with the band and Millie. Unfortunately they run out of time so I didn’t do my spot but I’ve always thought, that’s when he came up with the ‘Banjo Man’ The last time we met, you’ll see I have already posted that. Lovely fella and very talented.
Richard Burden… My parents bought his house in Stone Cross near Eastbourne (B side of I will Return). It was a large Victorian manor divided into individual residences. In the cellar was a spring fed well which flooded frequently and required a lot of pumping the water. His recording studio became our dining room after my father unscrewed acres of chipboard and removed all the soundproofing. Various bits of kit were left in the attic including an guitar, cymbals and bits of electronics. I was quite young but he seemed a really nice guy and autographed my copy of I will return.
Fascinating Phil . What an interesting read . Thank you for sharing your memories . I didn’t know Phil was such a great fellow . All I knew was what I had heard about his Rare Earth records – Great stuff !!
I used to use Springwater’s version of Sailing as my run-out groove at the end of the night.
I ended up buying a car he used to own in the 70’s – a black soft-top Skilton Perkins Roadster. If anyone who knew him has memories of this car when he owned it, we would love to hear from you! We believe he used to ride around Ninfield on a palomino horse too?!
My parents owned the Merry Harriers pub mentioned and I worked the bar and restaurant. They ate and drank with us for 12 years! I rode the horses with his wife and daughter. They lived walking distance from the pub in Cowbeech. He had a studio in the garage. Many late nights at his place and many happy memories. My sister married his drummer Paul Freemen. He was wonderful. Very funny and happy. I miss him. Chèrie.
Ah happy days ! I worked for Phil and his wife Christine looking after their horses when thy lived in Ninfield and then Cowbeach.He had a Palamino horse that he used to ride down to the White Hart pub Catsfield ,tie it up and have a few drinks.Quite the business in his western saddle and stetson hat. His daughter claire used to show jump they had a son called charlie who was also a musician who sadly past away recently.
I was bass player in Phil’s first band ‘the challengers’ AKA ‘the Prophets, for 21/2 years. He lived just round the corner to me and I knew his family. We got on very well and I visited him for a long weekend after I left the band. He was living somewhere in Surrey, where in his very makeshift studio I laid down some chords on the piano, which later became ‘I will return’ I wish we had kept in touch. Hundreds of great gigs with him. Taken far too soon
Just seen this, Phil was my best friend at school in Enfield, Chase secondary modern.He was kind of a quiet guy in class,always seem to be somewhere else, but thinking about music all the time.We lived near each other, Phil in Drake Street, me in Canonbury Road,I was always at his house talking about starting a band,he had three brothers who always went to the Tottenham Royal to see the DC5 and the Who.After we left school at fifteen we knocked about together, then at seventeen we lost touch,I went to live in Australia for a few years,and Phil got stuck into music.I became a pro drummer,and Phil was recording with his band so I’d heard,I never saw him again, and regret not seeking him out,but as we get older,our lives take different highways,but he was a really great guy to hang with as two fifteen year olds.I’m on FB as Jeff boy if anyone wants to get in touch.
Just looking at your post, I lived at Lea Road, just round the corner of Drake street. It was then that he knocked at our house and said “I’ve just heard you playing bass, do you want to do an audition, we are forming a band” That band became the Challengers AKA the Prophets. He and I enjoyed hundreds of gigs over two and a half years before I left. A bit later he asked if I could join him with me on the banjo as a spot in a function in a London hotel with the band and Millie. Unfortunately they run out of time so I didn’t do my spot but I’ve always thought, that’s when he came up with the ‘Banjo Man’ The last time we met, you’ll see I have already posted that. Lovely fella and very talented.
I met Phil in 2000 when I joined a band with his son Charlie.
Phil had retired from music at this point, saying that he no longer had the bottle to perform on stage. I spent many happy hours in the company of Phil and his family. He was a kind, funny and generous guy. While we were jamming and recording demos in his house, he would cook us curries, which were so hot they blew your head off. He said it was because he damaged his taste buds in the 70s, so couldn’t taste anything. Most importantly, he was always offering us a drink.
I remember, he would sit with us and play acoustic guitar, talking us through the song writing prossess and telling stories about his career in music.
I later lived in his house (rent free) for a short time after he died, just too keep an eye on the place.
Charlie, who sadly passed away a few years ago, was an epic guitarist and charismatic frontman. He was one of my best friends and I carried his coffin at his funeral.
His daughter Claire also passed away in recent years. She was also a unique and amazing person who would sneak us into Glastonbury for free and get us wrist bands.
A wonderful family, who I miss dearly.
Interesting reading….I have been trying to find the guitar tabs for “I will return” by Spring water, if anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated
Many Thanks
My parents bought his house in Stone Cross near Eastbourne (B side of I will Return). It was a large Victorian manor divided into individual residences. In the cellar was a spring fed well which flooded frequently and required a lot of pumping the water. His recording studio became our dining room after my father unscrewed acres of chipboard and removed all the soundproofing. Various bits of kit were left in the attic including an guitar, cymbals and bits of electronics. I was quite young but he seemed a really nice guy and autographed my copy of I will return.