Baker Gurvitz Army – Hastings Pier 11th February 1975

Nigel Ford… I woz there……not overly impressed from memory.

Mick O’Dowd… What a band. What a night. What an experience. I worked on this one and throughout their performance I stood in the wings about 8ft away from Ginger. He made those drums talk! The support band had to set up halfway down the side of the ballroom because there was no room onstage for them amongst the Armies gear.

Alan Esdaile… Agree Mick. Amazing gig.

Matt Thomas… Wasn’t it Paul Gurvitz who was a customer of ours at Masons?

Alan Esdaile… Yes it was one of the relatives of the Gurvitz but not that one that wrote a song in the attic!

Matt Thomas… Oh that old classic

Tony Court-Holmes… helped out as a roadie on the pier the night they played there with Glen Piper

John Wilde… Incredible night, stunning performance

John Coleman… Yep I remember them! Not a very good gig.

Milletts Castle Street Hastings photos by David Frasi

All photos © David Frasi

David Frasi… Photographs of the Castle Street Milletts, window dressing was done by Roy Hale who used to travel down by train from Ealing (the HO was based there) several times a year, sadly passed away in the 80’s. He was a wonderful signwriter, doing all the price point tickets with a paint brush! Into the 80’s the name changed from ‘Milletts’ ( after Peter Millett died and his sons Nigel and Trevor took over and expanded the family business) to ‘Cheapjacks’ then to just CJ’s. I would date the black and white ones around 1974/75, colour ones a couple of years later.

Franky Appleman… Great shop

Dennis Torrance… Got most of my clothes there in the 70s

Merv Kennard… My brother worked in there for a couple of years at weekends, and the manager Dave used to give me staff discount.

Stephen Moran… I bought my first pair of Levi’s in there. They were £3/2/6!

Nigel Kennard… I worked there at weekends in the mid 1970’s with Roger Barton and Peter (?), and the manager Mick. Dave joined later on and we had some great laughs during quiet days in the week. Joined full time for a year after leaving school and before the civil service caught me.


Who had a stylophone?

Jan Warren… Yep, and used to plug it into the amp and play along to some records!! – I’ve heard it’s been re-launched again this year to mark it’s 50th anniversary… I might just buy one?!!

Jim Breeds… I had one of those. Lent it to a friend in the mid-1970s (I’d guess) and never saw it again! Curses.

Jan Warren… Yeah Jim, I know the feeling, mine disappeared in the 70s too! Gggggrrrrr….

Pete Fairless… £20 on Amazon……/dp/B000SKHSRU

Jim Breeds…  I’d prefer having my original one though

Conan Howard… I had a stylophone in the 70s , I put a 1/4 inch jack socket in the thing and used it through my 100 watt amp and speaker ,through a variety of effects peddles. What fun … Conan

David Miller… Same here – mounted on it’s own mic stand, we called it the Stylothizer…

Jan Warren… Just been looking on Ebay, there are 30 Stylophones for sale, many are original 1970s and some are much cheaper than the £20 that Amazon is asking for a brand new one!! – think I might get one, I prefer the original


Hospital Radio Hastings goes live at Royal East Sussex Hospital in February 1976

Ju-ju Davies… It was live in 1975 because I was in there for a year and the dj used to come round the wards asking if anyone had any requests

Janet Oxbury… How I got to meet my Mick. I spent my breaks as a young nurse chatting to him over those years. Little did we know what a great life ❤️ we would have



Hastings memorial Christmas 1983 with busker

photo © East Sussex Library and information service

Alan Esdaile… I wondering who the busker is?

Colin Bell… I’m wondering if it might have possibly been Don Partridge of ‘Rosie’ fame, in the 80’s he used to visit a mutual friend of mine quite often in T Wells who he used to perform with, he still busked & had a place in Sussex, just a thought…

Alan Esdaile… Colin, good idea but doesn’t look like a drum on his back, if he always had one? I remember Keith Tooke said Don Partridge wrote his big hit ‘Rosie’ in Swan Terrace Hastings.

Colin Bell… ‘d certainly trust dear old Keith’s knowledge, as we both know he knew everything about everybody! Bless him

Claire Lonsdale… Colin, he used to go to / run Seaford folk club. He lived around there


Dimarco’s Hastings closed on the 9th February 1985

photo from Hastings and Area, Past and Present

HAPP…. 9th February 1985, Dimarco’s closed for good. This is a photo of DiMarco’s on the day they closed, sent by Ann Clifton. Ann added “The gentleman sitting in the right hand corner was the last ever customer, with Michael and Phil Di Marco, Lou and Emily DiPaolo, me and my brothers – Luigi Antonio Di Paolo”.

Dennis Torrance… Such a nice place happy memories there great food and ice cream and milkshakes . My mum worked in the one below St Mary in the castle in early 60s

John Gale… Knickerbocker glory land, loved it there and always welcoming by the Di Marco family , I met some of them at Hastings united games., always enthusiastic fans

Willie Wicking… Many a time spent in there can still remember that distinctive sound of the coffee machines & the blue smoke haze from cigarettes

Liane Carroll… I loved that place very much My Auntie Vera was a waitress there. It was so brilliant. Xxx

Jim Reilly… All us old hooligans used to love DiMarcos, and never misbehaved in there, coz we treated the staff the way the treated us, fairly. Grub was good and reasonably priced too.

Graham Matthews… We lived out in the sticks so school holiday treat was a bus trip to Hastings and lunch in Di Marco’s was always on the list in the 1960’s. Still used it after I left school if I came to town. Loved it.

Pete Houghton… One of my favorites! When i came over from Bexhill for the day

Chris Meachen… Some of my fondest memories are of my dad taking me in there when I was a tot. I used to have an egg & tomato roll (still my favourite filling to this day) followed by an ice cream scooped out of the tubs built into the counter.. I remember ‘Mr louis’ who seemed to know dad quite well. DiMarco’s was always a favourite place to eat, drink a delicious milkshake & meet up with friends, I miss it even now..

Helen Knight… Remember it

Carol Arnold… Loved Dimarcos

Alan Esdaile… Happy memories. Always found the staff friendly and polite.

Patrick Turner… Had many a knickerbocker glory in there

Gerry Fortsch… Welsh Rarebit every time?

Brian Towers Celebration Of Life – 26th May 2025 in Hastings

all photos supplied by Katie Towers

Katie Towers…I am the daughter of Brian Towers, who was a member of the Dolphin Jazz Band and co founder and leader of the Jazz Caverners. Brian continued to play Jazz once he left Hastings for a banking career in Canada and led the very successful Hot Five Jazzmakers of Toronto for 34 years. The Hot Five made many tours to New Orleans and festivals throughout Europe over the years. The band continues to this day, led by Brian’s wife Janet. Unfortunately Brian died on the 6th August 2024, two days before his 90th birthday. There will be a Celebration of Life for Brian on Bank Holiday Monday 26th May 2025. 2pm til 5pm at East Hastings Sea Angling Association Clubhouse, The Stade, Hastings Old Town, East Sussex TN34 3FJ.  All are welcome but can they let me know by email if they will be attending. Also if anyone has any photos or cuttings could they send them through to me. Thank you.


SMART coffee meet 77 – how did it go?

Alan Esdaile… Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was not able to make this one myself. The missed leaflet above, which will be available at the next meet.

Merv & Cris Kennard… Seemed to go very well I’d say about 30 to 40 people including 6 newbies.

Claire Lonsdale… It was pretty well attended. Some nice conversations going on, but you were conspicuous by your absence. We missed you and hope you’re ok. Xxx

Stephen Moran… As Claire said above it was quite well attended; Mick and I thought there were between 30-40. You were missed by everyone there Alan. I hope you are doing ok and are able to schedule another SMART meet soon.

Jackie Hersee… I really enjoyed it Alan. I met some very lovely ladies and hope to meet them at the next meet-up . I hope you are ok

Lloyd Johnson… t was well attended Alan we had fun!…how are you ?…are you okay?

Alan Esdaile… I’m ok thanks. Very pleased it went well.

Lloyd Johnson… Alan, we missed you and the leaflets….it was a bit strange as the leaflets give the room atmosphere…..see you next time…

Keith Veness… Good meeting enjoyed

Mick O’Dowd… Agree with all the above. It was like Morecombe without Wise though and yo were missed. I had an interesting chat with 3 young ladies who were attending for the first time and said that they would be back. Had a great chat also with the Prof. Stephen Moran. What ever was the cause of your absence(and Colin too) I hope that it is sorting itself. Take care.

Jon McCallion… Sorry I missed it I will attend the next one. Hope all is good with you Alan and Colin

Steve Holland… Muller photo, I was there Steve is still playing Lead Guitar.

Wendy & Graham Weaver… It was a good meet up but it wasn’t the same without you. Looking forward to next time.

Nigel Ford… Met up again with one of the original and still Hastings Rock DJ’s, Simon Halsey and were talking about bands we saw at venues in the town including the Chatsworth that I never went to but we were both at the Budgie gig at the Aquarius apparently and Simon hadn’t long moved to Hastings and this was his first band to see here.

Nigel Ford… Was hoping to meet Stallions roadie who was there a couple of meets ago but didn’t have time to, but don’t know who he is to ask if he was there again?

Alan Esdaile… Hi Nigel, the person you’re thinking  of is Digger. Hopefully he will be at the next one and if so I will point him out.