We may collect and process the following data about you:
Information that you provide when filling in any forms on our website. This includes information provided using the contact form. All posts to the site are confirming that you are happy for us to print your comment on the SMART website and Facebook page. Likewise some comments on the Facebook page are shared to the SMART website.
SMART meetings. We will take details of your email address or telephone number, for the sole purpose of informing you about future events.
If you contact us by letter or email, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
If you contact us by telephone, we may keep notes of the conversation for our records.
We are happy to remove any comments and data if required.
Where we store your personal data
The personal data that we collect from you is stored on our servers within the UK.
Disclosure of your information
I confirm that we will not pass on anyone’s details or email address to another person without obtaining your permission first.
Cookie policy
We collect statistical data to help us improve the website for end users. This information could include your IP address, operating system and browser type and cannot be used to identify any individual personally.
For the same reason, we may obtain information about your usage of the website by using a cookie file which is stored on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies enable us to:
Estimate our audience size and usage patterns in order to better understand how we can improve the user experience.
You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting to block them in your browser. However, if you choose this setting you will be unable to utilise certain features on the website.