Who remembers school milk?

Pete Prescott… During the winter of 63 it was so cold the milk froze and as it expanded out lifted the foil lid off of the bottle. They became like milk Ice lollies ! When it was summer I hated it as it became warm and tasted off to me.

Matt Thomas… Got a malted biscuit as well at Elphinstone Infants

Chris Meachen… Loved it in the winter, would eat the frozen bit as ice cream, but didn’t like it warm in the summer. When I got to senior school they kept it in a chiller until break time, then I couldn’t get enough of the stuff..

Julie Findlay-jones… Hated it I always struggled to drink it all and was always told off.

Mark Praid… Great with a Mint or Orange Yoyo Choc biscuit at 11.am if your hanging around the sand pit.😉 Avoid at all costs the few remaining milks at four o clock – when the sun has shined through the classroom window on them all day.

Dennis Torrance… I remember at school they tried to give it to us frozen should have supplied sticks as well

Doc Racer… Maggie Thatcher milk snatcher

Linda Day… Gross couldn’t stand it not a lover of milk even now put me off for life lol

Lloyd Johnson… 1/3 of a pint bottles…

Neal Hunter… it was always warm because they put it on the radiator

Lyn Humphrey… Used to enjoy getting the 1/3 pint around 11am–sometimes 2 bottles if class numbers were down. One lad once had EIGHT bottles during a flu epidemic……..then he was sick as a dog.

Dave Nattress… Hi Lyn, and who was that boy, I’m sure it wasn’t you and nor was it me!

Mike Waghorne… I was a milk monitor when at secondary school , had to get the milk in and sort it into the classes ready for them to collect,there were always left overs now i know why i dont like large amounts of milk !

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1950’s/1960’s living room in the uk – do you remember it looking like this?

photo source: unknown

Mike Mitchell… Ah the Magic Robot game! I loved that one

Garry Wonfor… Most of it for sure…. But A FITTED CARPET…that was a luxury….. We had a rug, surrounded by spotlessly clean and highly polished floor tiles. Fabulous.!!!!

Faith Brooker… Garry, One word for you…lino…

Lloyd Johnson… Just like our living room at 67 Clifton Road..

Roger Simmonds… Reminds me of my mum and dads house !

Colin Bell… Blimey i’m 8 years old again…i’ve still got my Magic Robot game!

Will Cornell… ‘ve only visited the UK…not lived there. But here’s what I spot: how in the world do ya’ll keep warm with those tiny fireplaces?

Alan Esdaile… we all had similar fireplaces in the 50s/60s Will.

Will Cornell… The ones you have in your living rooms look kinda like the small bathroom gas heaters we have in older homes with natural gas built in the 40s-50s. Yeah I know I know. “there goes another ‘Everything’s bigger in Texas’ braggard”.

David Edwards… Will, by body heat snuggling in close with the other buggers up close to the fire.

Ian Quinnell… WOW….back to my childhood. The tiled hearth and surround, mirror on the chimney breast, standard lamp, but mostly the 3D picture plate on the wall.

Chris Meachen… Very much like the living room of my childhood.. At least we still have a mirror over the fireplace…

photo:Chris Meachen

Gaz Linch… The hideous flying ducks,a must in every Victorian front room, including ours

Alan Esdaile… my dad used to make those circular plaster wall plaques (in the first photo) and sold loads to the neighbours. Always looking for one of his in the second hand shops.

Judy Atkinson… What’s the square transparent thing between the tv and the pedal car? Everything else is very familiar

Faith Brooker… Judy, I think it might be a protective screen for the front of the TV…

Pete Prescott… I remember those days.

Lyn Appleyard… The robot board game….I swopped my toy telephone switchboard for the board game. Fascinating. All of them plus something not on there was an Easter egg box which gave me joy…more even than the egg……..does anyone remember the plastic toys free in cereal boxes? Hours of fun until Tiddles our white cat grabbed it 🐈 dusappeared under the garden hedge and bam! I never saw it again 😭 EVER 🙄 😊🤔 She was a beautiful dignified cat….and is now acknowledged as Whylie Tiddles lol

Ray Harper… Is that square thing a sort of lens that you put on the TV screen to make it bigger?

Mike Raxworthy… Ray, I thought it was make the picture ‘colour’ ???

George Harmer… Blimey I thought that was the front room at my mum and dads.

Mick O’Dowd… The Magic Robot! Never had one as a kid although I always coveted those that did. Someone brought me one a few years back and it’s still in the cupboard. Also had a red version of the pedal car.

Roger Simmonds… The room was only warm by the fire other side was always cold as I remember!

Sue Seward… Think the square glass thing on the floor is in fact a magnifying screen for the TV ! I remember an aunt had a set up like that and as hardly anyone in my family could afford a TV in the 1950’s we would all crowd around to watch the ‘Black and White Minstrel’ show. Oh how times have changed.


Morning Dew – group photo 1960’s


Tony Bridger second from right.

Peter James Shaw…. Rev Stockdale first left!, Mr Drew Clifton next…!

Robert Searle….Paul Freeman drums,on the right. Fab picture.

Chris Baker….Wow! Tony Bridger!

Gaynor Duke… Dear old Rev Stockdale in that photo

Jane Hartley… Rev was in Index much later wasn’t he?

Andy Webster… Rev Stockdale far left and Paul Freeman far right. Who’s the guy in the middle?

Alan Esdaile… Still don’t know who the guy in the middle is? Is it possible the band were only a 4 piece and he was the manager or promoter?

Peter Horton… The guy in the middle is called Barry Jenkins as far as I can remember. He was the drummer when I joined them for a while in May/June 1968. The base guitarist was Clive somebody and at the time he was a hairdresser in a Hollington hairdressers just by the Blackman Avenue traffic lights. He used to cut and style the hair of the members of the band. I was recruited to replace Tony Bridger who was going off to the US. In the end he decided to stay and so I left after only 4 weeks.

Lynn Graham… Memories!

Peter Millington… That’s Clive Drew-Clifton

Colin Fox… Revvi on the left?

Alan Mitchell… The one in the middle is John Woolven he was the singer for the Springbeats before this group renamed themselves Morning Dew. The Springbeats line up Was John Woolven, Clive Drew-Clifton, Tony Bridger, and Barry Jenkins. The bass player was Tim Duke I believe.

Robert Searle… Freeman on the right

Nicola Dobson… Oh I have been asking about Barry Jenkins for some time and now I see him mentioned…which one is he as it was a long time ago?  I think Barry is second on the left..used to know him in 1968-9

Alan Mitchell… Nicola Dobson, I’m afraid Barry isn’t in this picture.

Gerry Forsch… This brings back some great memories, I never felt that there was any competition between this band and my band but good friendship. I was lucky enough to play with Tony and Tim years later in different bands.

Harry Randall… Remember Jonny and Tony (Vic) very well RIP Tony such a sad loss a brilliant guitarist and his black and white drawings were as good as a photo! i played with Tony for about 8 years a great mate!

Chris Jolly… What a GREAT NAME!

Andy Knight… I loved that band, so cool, or maybe hip then


Hastings 60’s & 70’s video supplied by Sarah Harvey.

We don’t usually feature anything outside of music but I’m sure these will interest a lot of people looking at this site. Also check out her other videos on the you tube channel. Well done Sarah.

Pete Fairless….There’s some great stuff, there, Sarah. Thanks!

Matt Thomas…..I think im in the park on the 70’s one doing the Hokey Cokey lol

Mick O’Dowd….Great stuff Sarah. You aint got any pics or footage of “Jim the Jolly Fish” that used to ply between Bottle Alley & The Sun Lounge in the 50’s early 60’s have you? Me and Andre are trying to find proof of it’s existence!

Peter Millington…..Thanks Sarah, Took a quick look at some and they made me realise just how much Hastings has lost through lack of maintenance and declining tourism.

Bob Hardy… would be grateful to see if there are any photos of jimmy the jolly fish

Pauline Sims… Such happy memories – thanks for posting this Alan

Tony Davis… Nice find Sarah, brought back some great memories. Does anyone remember the Guinness Clock that use to stand on the seafront near the pier. It was one of those mechanical ones that featured a toucan and other figures that moved on the hour. Anyone got a picture of it?

Sarah Harvey… Yes I do Tony… I used to go down on the beach and made a point of going to watch it every hour I was down there. It was cutting edge technology in those days. It was always positioned on the promenade adjacent to where the junction is to Robertson Street.

Alan Esdaile… Remember seeing it Sarah Harvey and it was at the promenade opposite to the junction of Robertson Street. Also I think I remember it at one stage to the left of the pier by the statue?

Sarah Harvey… Yes, I remember it there as well. I was totally fascinated with it. Hadn’t a clue it was really advertising booze….. just never featured in my thoughts…… but probably wouldn’t be allowed today for that very reason. That’s somehow so sad how we have become such a nanny-state. I seem to recall there were different versions of the clock.

Mick O’Dowd… The said clock in Hastings.


supplied by Mick O’Dowd. Source unknown.