Andy Qunta…. “Loved Stray! Have their 1st 2 albums – great stuff!”
Martyn Baker….”I was there, loved it, and I still have the Stray album to this day.
From 1970 one of their best tracks ‘ All In Your Mind’
Tony Qunta….”Loved Stray and that song is a cracker!”
Sarah Harvey…..what Jenni Inness thought of it the week afterin her column of December 15th, 1973.
supplied by Sarah Harvey
Alan Esdaile…..great gig this one.
Sarah Harvey….It was a great line-up because I loved Stray as well. I have all of their albums (all 2 of them I think) on vinyl.
Phil Thornton…..”Stray were great. When I was in Die Laughing we used to play a cover of their song ‘All in your mind’ brings back brilliant memories of all those mad gigs in Germany and Wales !!!”
David Miller….”Stray..! My tinnitus is an ever-ringing badge of honour won by listening/vibrating to them at my local music club The Farx, standing next to the exploding dustin and generally having a great time at extreme volume. There were also other contributors to this award, including sitting next to the big speaker in The Bubble for hours on end. Good times….”
Nigel Ford… This was my first time seeing Stallion with Tich in skeleton suit & whitened face. Saw them several times subsquently as was very impressed, moreso than Stray.
Dave Weeks… I remember that one too.
Chris Meachen… I was there.. Stray were a damned good live band…
Ben Gallop… i was there, not sure if it was that gig but remember a band played off the stage on the floor cant remewber who thou
Alan Esdaile… Looks like at the door price was increased from 85p to 90p!
Martyn Baker….Wonderful gig, that night. Mixed live in Quadrophonic sound too, as I recall, probably for the first and last time on Hastings Pier. What a fantastic Rn’B band they were
Terry Huggins….They were originally called the Tornadoes, but had to change their name as there was already a band by that name (The other band had an instrumental hit with Telstar). They became the Golden Earrings, but later dropped the ‘the’ and the ‘s’.
Jim Hobbs….I was there that night. Great gig in the very week they got to number one with Radar Love. I recall that the numbers were very low, which was a shame as they were amazing with great sound from their Quadrophonic sound system. Vanilla Queen (from Moontan) is still a favourite track. I wonder if their drummer still jumps over his kit on the last chords of Radar Love? Also saw them play Brighton Dome with Lynyrd Skynyrd in support (they stole the evening), some gig!
Mick Mepham….Hey Jim, I roadied most of that tour and that gig for sure. Silly sods in the Dome management wouldn’t allow the quad p.a. to be set up at the back of the theatre so there were 2 stacks on each side of the stage. LS were really good too and made GE play even better.
Kevin Carlyon….Bloody hell. I printed these at Berfort Reproductions and used to go out fly posting with promoter Joe Morowski!
Jim Hobbs…A Classic track
Karen Sweatman Was Blackman…..Radar Love was the first song I ever sang at karaoke – trouble was I forgot there was about half an hour in the song where there is no singing and I was standing in the pub looking like a twonk for the duration. On a lighter note, I did win a bottle of wine. Think it was for the karaoke, not looking like a twonk!
Lauren Gower… My Uncle Simon roadied for them.
Chris Giles… I think this was the loudest band I ever saw on the pier….I was deaf for days after….brilliant though.
Phil Thornton… An excellent gig !!!!
Eric Cawthraw… Yep at this one – stood by the mixing desk to enjoy the quad sound. I remember the guitar sounds circling in one direction and flute going the other way. It made you go boss-eyed! Mick, I seem to remember our mate Simon Pont helping to get all their gear on the Pier – he got given a very glittery Golden Earing t-shirt. When wearing it – it looked like he’d got shiny dandruff. Didn’t a wheel of their loader go through the pier – or an I mixing this up with someone else?
Dave Nattress… Yes, went to this one. Golden Earring had a great couple of years on the back of Radar Love. They are STILL going – have a look on their website, got several of their vinyls including of course Moontan and 2 versions of Moontan on CD – slightly different track listing. I saw them at Brighton Dome but unsure if they were headlining or support. I half think they were supporting Free at the Dome but the other half of my thinking says this was unlikely. It was a long, long time ago and all that. I also, bought the vinyl of the Nutz first album – still have it – interesting cover!! Think they came from Liverpool.
Ian Mantel… Now a certain Mr Graham How tells me they had a spot of difficulty with their transport when they backed it onto the pier….
Chris Coleman… I was lucky enough to be there working with Jon Royle and the Music Machine Disco
Stuart Moir… Wow just look at the entrance fee
David Norman… It was a great performance by the band,they performed a long version of Radar Love, brilliant
Simon Elder… I rather guiltily highly remember the poster for Nutz, can’t recall what the music was like though, I’ll have to search for a video.
Pete Prescott….after Brian Johnston left the reformed Geordie to join ac/dc i was briefly in the band that struggled to continue (with a different name – the DUDES ) they tried terry slesser from crawler.i replaced him.i recorded three tracks with them at Luxembourg studios.they wanted me to re locate to newcastle.i couldn’t do that.nice guys.
Yvonne Cleland….Great band, Geordie! Saw them on the pier! it was a good gig!
Pete Fairless….The best Slade record Slade never made!
Pete Prescott….i sang love if you want it another night in the city and the last one escapes me.i think i have the versions of terry slesser singing them as well as mine.brian sang nutbush city limit at the ac/dc audition and got the job instantly.i was told he is a nice guy.
Andy Qunta…..singer of Geordie was Brian Johnson, who later joined AC/DC, and still with them now! After Factory’s gig with them in Torquay, I met him in the motorway services Gent’s (accidentally, not pre-arranged, before your minds start working overtime!). He was very flustered! He had been driving their truck, it was one of those where the cab tipped forward to get to the engine. After checking the oil or something, apparently the cab wasn’t locked properly, so when he got to some traffic lights, the whole cab tipped forward, and he was properly freaked out! Geordie almost lost his liggy!
Peter Howard… I know one of Bitch
Colin Bell… Always handy to know what i was doing ! I remember Brian (Johnson) being a really nice guy, sadly i don’t remember Bitch.
Mark Sims….John from this band lives near me in Spain.
and from 1969 Norman Wisdom with the Pretty Things!
Andre Martin… This site is now getting just toooooooooooo serious !!!
Tony Davies….Ooooh !!! Sally Geeson !!
Phil Gill… Did you know that England’s guitarist Frank Holland plays guitar in The Pretty Things now?
Jan Warren… I saw them at The Carlisle, 26th April 2013, they were amazing, still hoping they’ll play there again soon!!
Gavin Martin… Superb!
Iain Cobby… I have a mono copy of “S F Sorrow” somewhere in the loft that Steve D encouraged me to buy in Woolly’s . One of the greatest concept albums, written before the Who’s “Tommy”.… and yes Phil re FH, it’s on the sleeve notes of England’s “Garden Shed” deluxe edition. Great prog album.
Peter Thomson… I was at the pier gig and seem to recall it was not that well attended. Shame, I thought it was a superb night.
Steve Merchant… I was at this gig in 1973. Memory almost totally shot on it but I do remember some hi jinks involving PA climbing by a long haired chap that was almost certainly Phil May. Not a great turn-out for it as I remember, probably too obscure for Hastings back then. I also remember watching a family with children arriving and fleeing very shortly after, god knows what they expected. Pretty things I expect…ha!
Peter Thomson… Blimey that’s a long time ago….
Dave Fuggle… I remember going to this gig. Still have that flyer knocking around.
Andy Qunta… As I recall, although my timeline could be off, Factory had supported MMEB in Brighton not long before this. I thought they were interesting, but I wasn’t quite sure if I liked them that first time (the music, not the band – they were fine). This 2nd time, at the Pier, I decided I definitely liked them. They had a big hit with Joybringer at this time, and I think that due to what I have since learned is Manfred’s quirkiness, they did not play that song live!
Dave Nattress… From the sketchy memory….Joybringer was a nice single and partly based or maybe it “sampled” a classical piece – could it be from the Planets Suite? I did have the single. I also have “The Good Earth” vinyl LP which came with a certificate (I think) but anyway if not a certificate as such, some blurb about the band having purchased a plot of land in deepest Wales and that each owner of the album was the owner of a one square foot of this plot – a bit small for a house – unless it was a Lego House. “The Roaring Silence” was the next album which I have on vinyl which contains I think “Blinded by the Light” – I’ve forgotten who wrote it – was it “The Boss”. Am I right, Steve Kinch has been in the MMEB for some years? Just one more thing as a connection obviously, “The Manfreds” – who’ve done The White Rock a good few times and The Congress are excellent.
Gerry Fortsch…I saw this line up on many occasions at the Fairfield Halls in Croydon, I cant remember why not on the pier?
Andy Qunta… I was at this gig. Wasn’t sure if I liked them or not, although it was interesting. They didn’t play Joybringer as I recall. However I kept thinking about it. Shortly afterwards, Factory supported them in Brighton. After that I was a big fan & still am. Later on they recorded my song “Tribal Statistics” on their Somewhere in Africa album. I got to know the singer, Chris Thompson, & we started writing songs, eventually including You’re The Voice, which we wrote with Keith Reid & Maggie Ryder. At some point Chris told me MMEB were going have auditions for a new bass player. I played keyboards with the band for them at the auditions as Manfred was busy or didn’t want to. Of course I told Steve Kinch he should try out. He came in & was his usual fabulous self & got the job, beating out many other top notch players!
Ernest Ballard… Great piece of rock history there Andy.
Leigh Wieland-Boys….I was Secretary of the Students Union at Hastings College at the time & assisted in organising the event – can’t believe it was 44 years ago! It was a great evening 😊
Mick Mepham….Alan, who is AS?
Phil Gill….Andy Strickland probably.
Chris Meachen…..Definitely Andy Strickland, god rest ‘im.. Somewhere in my attic I have a vinegar Joe poster with Elkie’s autograph written on her thigh.. She was a hot chick …..
Tony Qunta….That was a great gig! Both bands were fantastic. I am pretty sure Jim Mullen was playing 2nd guitar with Vinegar Joe!
Paul Sleet…..I remember this one. went backstage afterwards and met Elkie Brooks, courtesy of Chris Meachen who was doing his usual roadying.
Paul Edmonds… Missed this one, great days! Hi Phil and Chris.
Peter Thomson… Superb gig. Forgot I’d actually seen Gary Moore!
Yvonne Cleland… I was at the front for Gary Moore! x
Andy Qunta… I saw both these bands on the Pier, so I was probably at this gig!
Simon Walsh… Yes I was there too!
Gavin Martin… MMMmmm Smells good? The pier, the students , vinegar Joe??
Jennie Tocock… I remember this one! Elkie Brooks was fabulous!
Mick O’Dowd… Used to love Vinegar Joe.
Peter Houghton… I remember seeing Vinegar Joe on the Pier, as i was at Hastings College then.
John Wilde… I was there also Pete.
Tony Court-holmes… so was I
Alan King… something about Robert Palmer used to make my skin crawl, can’t understand how Little Feat got involved with him
Yvonne Cleland… I was there. Front row for Gary Moore! x
Nick Silk… Pretty sure this is one of Graham Hows tickets/posters ( later of ACE PROMOTIONS) . I was SU president at some point around here and we used to sell tickets at the college in return for free entry… Graham H & Andy Strickland ‘s band “Pete Plastic and the chuck ups” used to practice at my parents house in Filsham Road. I recall organising a Melody Maker version of X Factor for bands – Elkie Brooks was one of the judges. I think Hastings band Stallion won the heat!
Chris Meachen… Poster was definitely done by Andy Strickland, as I was sitting with him while he was drawing it up.. Should still have an autographed copy of it somewhere
Andy Davies… What a memorable night Robert Palmer and Elkie Brooks (when she was good!!!) onlead vocals, brilliant…
Eric Harmer… Loved vinegar joe. With Elkies vocals
John McCormack… Would loved to have seen Gary Moore
Tim Elms….I was at the Aquarius for Mungo Jerry. Their set was loud and heavy but the punters were there for the hits
Leigh Wieland-Boys… I was at the Aquarius on the Mungo Jerry night, was it that long ago!!
Karen Sweatman Was Blackman… I always thought Mungo Jerry was a person. Think it was because there was just a photo of the singer next to the name on my Mum’s 1972 K-Tel hits compilation!
Tony Court-holmes… i think i was there
Jim Breeds… I was.
Yvonne Cleland… I remember them on the pier.
Monica Bane… He lived just along the road from me!
Peter Houghton… I remember seeing them on Hastings Pier what a great night
Alan Esdaile…They used to be called ‘Kippington Lodge’ and came from Kent. Played in Hastings lots of times and I think the story goes, the America’s offered them Millions, changed their name and turned them into a stadium band over night.
Andre Martin….They used to be the stand by band for so many shows at the Pier when John Schofield was doing the promotions. They took the name from a large house/estate where the came from Cross Keys Nr Sevenoaks in Kent.
Steve Kinch….Brinsley repaired and re-fretted a couple of my basses a few years back – he was chief tech at Chandlers Guitars, Kew – don’t know if he’s still there, haven’t been there for a while. Jolly good job he made of them too!
Mick O’Dowd….Wish i’d seen this one. I liked the Schwarz and Chilli Willi and I have a couple of cd’s by them including the legendary “Bongoes Over Balham”. They never seemed to find their niche. Pity.
John Foyle… 1973. ‘October’ is nearly the only word that isn’t misspelled.
Michael Wilson… What a line up of pub rock greats
Phil Gill… Ooh I was there. Chilli Willi were fabulous and I had a conversation with the guitar player that taught me stuff I’ve remembered all my life. He was cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Rick Pentecost… I was there too! Wasn’t quite convinced by Brinsley but Chilli Willi were wonderful. I went straight out (well, the following Monday) and bought ‘Bongos over Balham’, still got it,- don’t arf make me smile!
Michael Gibbs… Great album – especially Desert Island Woman
Stewart Rockett… Rick, It was your good self that introduced me to they.