Aircraft – Wittersham 1978

All photos © Paul Dengate

Paul Dengate… A festival in a field in Wittersham, 1978. Two photos of Aircraft, showing Wesley Magoogan, Will Thomson and Mick Tanner; the Turpin brothers, Louis and Jem; Eric Money.

Andy Qunta… Great photos!

Aircraft – Carlisle Ocean Bar Hastings 1977


 supplied by Roger Carey

featuring Will Thomson & Mick Tanner.

Tim Bruce….The Dave Henry Roadshow. They were one of the major local mobile discos back then.

Phil Thornton… I was at this gig – most excellent !

Ernest Ballard… I joined the band round about that time but don’t remember playing the Carlisle. I played the gigs in London. The one next to Putney bridge was good and had my first McDonald’s burger lol in Lewisham I think. We had a girl keyboard player called Lynn and a violin player her boyfriend I think called Drew .Will Thompson had a friend called Fred he was a magician. Ask him how he was and you got a 30 minute answer ha ha. Motorfly wAs one track I remember as being excellent. Will Thomson was a master on his les Paul and I got to get to grips with his superb song writing. Many a coffee was drank at his home and great conversation. lynn played a Fender Rhodes. Love that sound still which added to the band . Can’t remember the bass player but he played solid and melodic lines. Great band to cut my teeth into jazz rock. Mick Tanner loved France and had a Renault Van to put his congas in. I think he lives in France now.

Martin Richter… Dave Henry Roadshow – happy days