Muller at Cavern Studios London – 2nd April 1970

Outside the Cavern Studios London, recording the single ‘Fooling Around. Paul Wiseman, Jon McCallion, Steve Demetri, Paul Dove and Alan Esdaile.


photo by Ray Medhurst

Paul Dove….Great times, it amazes me were these photos keep coming from,next question did that record ever survive,! look at Alan doing the 1000yd stare !!,,, It always made me laugh seeing the veins in Jon Mac,s neck sticking out when we done house of the rising sun, classic.

Jon McCallion....Good times. I still have a copy of Fooling around, will play it to you one day.

Paul Dove….Hi Jon that would be great,although cant remember how it went. ! i keep meaning to come along to one of alans meetings, but i will.Yes good times.

Alan Esdaile…We only planned to record the one song and then had just enough time for an unplanned ‘B’ side which had to be an original. Nothing arranged, so the band came up with an instrumental called ‘Freak Out’.

Paul Dove…Alan you are doing wonders for my memory , yes i remember doing the b side ,We got to do a big meet up with factory, Steve k , I know we lost Stevie D .But would be great to see all the guys from that magical 60s 70s era,!!!  what was i looking at ,, think alan had dropped a 1 00 note , was good fun recording Fooling Around, same studio as the Who recorded , hope to see Jon,  Alan & maybe Paul Wiseman at Beatles Day tomorrow.

Alan Esdaile… We all look tired and fed up Paul. Hanging around for ages for the studio guy to turn up.

Pete Fisher… seem to have missed something here…what did you play Alan?

Alan Esdaile… played the fool Pete! I was manager of the band or should I say humper of the gear, arranged the recording session and gigs and got paid lots of money. Well maybe not the last bit!

Muller – The Regent Hastings 1969.


poster supplied by Paul Dove, photo by Paul Wiseman

Paul Dove, Jon McCallion, Alan Esdaile(manager), Steve Demetri. Paul Wiseman is taking the photo.

Alan Esdaile… Happy days of…..Hair! Business card must have been when Harry was manager.

Jan Warren.. Oh yes, my hubby (ex) Pete Watson was the regular Saturday night DJ at The Regent ……. must have been around about 1972 to 74?! – there were lots of bands, I remember “Rubber Band” (Bowie-type lead singer called Dave, haha) they released a single called “Moon Walker”!! and many other local bands played there, many of which have often been mentioned here in SMART group!! – good times!!

Paul Dove… Well done Alan good memories,, here we are 50 years on and still living the dream,, just wish a few of our old friends could see them but I expect they are still living that dream were ever they are, we are carrying on that dream, love music love life ,love SMART,xx

Harry Randall… I used to go to school with both Steve and Paul Wiseman

Jon McCallion… Good photo Paul

Tony Court-holmes… forgot about the Regent, how about Hartnells?

Stylus Record Shop – Castle Street Hastings 1973


Outside Stylus Record Shop, boss ‘Bob McKenzie’, ‘Leif Ohlin’ and Alan Esdaile. Poster on the door for the Steamhammer gig and Gary Glitter’s taking over the other window!

stylus record bag

lp record bag supplied by Nigel Ford

supplied by Linda Boiling

Tony May.…Oh wow! What a find this is! Way before my time working there but brilliant to see a pic of Bob and amazing also to note the GG displays in the other window. I used to have to do the displays myself (best I could) towards the end of my stint at the shop because we weren’t able to buy big enough quantities of the top new releases from the record companies to qualify for a visit from their display teams.

Peter Howard… Is that you with the kipper tie Alan?

Alan Esdaile… Yes but can’t understand why I’m wearing a tie?

Peter Howard… Pretty groovy look 🙂

Mick Mepham… Nice poster for Steamhammer supported by Crimson Earth on the left side of the door Alan.

Kevin Burchett… Bob Mackenzie used to organise the E.F student discos in Scalliwags in the 70s nice bloke. Am I right Alan?

Alan Esdaile… Yes he did Kevin, probably with Bill Loveland from E.F.

Jonathan Nurse… Brilliant snap

Kevin Burchett… remember Bill Loveland to

Darren Johnson… Great picture. I’m actually trying to think if I actually went into the shop now. I came to Coombe Haven holiday camp in 1982 with the family and I remember coming into Hastings and buying a new copy of Slade’s Old New Borrowed and Blue from a record shop – it was actually quite hard to get hold of at the time and I could never finda copy for sale back home.

Meryle Adki… My friend Charlie worked there in 80’s. Shame I lost contact with him. I’d love to know how he is. I met the drummer of the Big Country at the shop. I was looking for Blancmange in the B section and he lent over and picked his record out. Saying he was the drummer.

Merv Kennard… Bob booked me to do the ef student disco’s in various hotels and the pier ballroom twice a week for a couple of years in the mid 70s. I always got on well with him.

Karen Riggs… Does anyone still remember the Disc Jockey in Queens Road ?

Alan Esdaile… Loads of posting of The Disc Jockey on the website, if you use the search box Karen. I will move a few to the top, soon.


Donation to Conquest Hospital Radio from Kevin Burchett Scalliwags – 11th May 2018

photos by Sid Saunders

Today 11th May 2018, Kevin Burchett on behalf of the members of Scalliwags made a donation of £300 to the Conquest Hospital Radio.Three of the radio presenters accepted the donation with thanks at the White Rock Hotel. In the photo left to right is Tony Davis, Kevin Burchett, Alan Esdaile and Andre Palfrey-Martin. Donations to help with the running of the radio station are always welcome.

Alan Esdaile… very much appreciated Kevin

Andre Martin… Excellent and a BIG thank you from all at CHR. It will be much appreciated.

Mick O’Dowd… Good stuff Kev!

Tony Davis… Thank you Kevin.

Andy Qunta… Excellent!

Alison Cackett… Brilliant x

Wendy Belton… A huge thank you to Kevin Burchett for his generous donation to Conquest Hospital Radio and to Sid Saunders for the lovely photos.

Kevin Burchett…. you have to thank the scalliwags members that come to my charity event every year without them it wouldnt happen

UFO Records – Hastings Pier 1976


photo 1 supplied by Clive Richardson, photo 2 supplied by Eva Neuke

Alan Esdaile… This is a shop I ran with Clive and yes we did sell knickers! First time ever I have seen this photo. Anyone remember the shop? What intrigues me is the red poster below the window. This is for The Village Glen Fern Road Bournemouth. Seems very odd to advertise it on the pier unless a local band was on the bill?

Matt Thomas… Still selling knickers as well 🙂

Diane Knight… My dad had a shop on the pier then , you must have been the competition …which side were you on ???

Alan Esdaile… The right hand side Diane. Next to the bookies. What did your dad sell?

Diane Knight… Silly hats and all those necessary things …he also built the model railway on the other side…

Phil Gill… I remember it well.

Nastassja Kaschevsky… Remember it well, when I used to work on the pier. I was working in the Dome on the pier, that summer!

Mick O’Dowd… Yes remember this well Alan. If I remember correctly you specialised in prog rock.

Alan Esdaile… Sold mainly deletions and american overstocks which you could make a bit more money on. The only trouble being the American imports either had a hole punched through them, corner cut or a sticker on the sleeve showing that the import duty had been paid.

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Still have a Yes LP Steve Demetris bought for me on one of our visits to the shop

SMART chat show on Carnival FM Friday 5th August 2016 with Chris Gentry & Alan Esdaile

IMG_0244 carnlogo-2

Thanks to Andre Martin for the SMART chat last night on Carnival FM 87.9. Don’t forget Chris Gentry is back on the radio on Sunday 7th August 2016 5.00pm – 7.00pm. In the meantime don’t miss the retro show tonight 6th August 2016 – 8.00pm – 12.00pm with Sarah Harvey and Tony Davis.

Andre Martin… Have a great Carnival night with Sarah [break a leg] and Tony playing memories of the bands & music of our time in this town.

Sarah Harvey… Carnival 87.9 FM and also online this evening. The Hastings Retro show featuring some of those bands that appeared in and around Hastings in years gone by including local bands such as Die Laughing, Jinks, Spyke, Expandis.

Muller – abbey road cover recreation

muller 8

muller 9

muller 4

all photos supplied by Bertie Wiseman

Steve Demetri drums. Jon McCallion, Steve Demtri, Paul Wiseman & Paul Dove struggle to recreate Abbey Road cover and Alan Esdaile with Paul Wiseman and his famous bubble car.

Jon McCallion….Fantastic.

Paul Dove….how steve managed to drum & smoke at the same time,!! and yes paul”s infamous bubble car.Its funny i didnt like the name muller also, happy days.