Fill Your Head With Rock – CBS Sampler – 1970

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Anyone remember this classic sampler album from CBS? Which introduced you to a whole host of great acts.

Tony May…..Simon Griffiths/Karl had this album and was always keen to introduce me to it. Sadly, I never let him (selfish git I was back then but did not realise it) but I recall him raving about the Black Widow track and asking me if I believed in Magic. I have subsequently bought the ‘Sacrifice’ album and explored a load of Simons fav music. Some of it makes me sad but the majority I have taken to and really got into. Great memories from the 80’s – just wish it could all have turned out differently…

John Wilde….Great Lp.

Peter Howard…..Awesome album. Spirit, Black Widow, Flock, Byrds and Laura Nyro were the tracks we listened to most often. Is it available on CD anyone know?

Mick O’Dowd…..What about those other great rock samplers: “The Rock Machine Turns You On” &”The Rock Machine Loves You” & of course the double album “El Pea”.

Phil Thornton…..Nice enough to eat ?

Peter Howard…..There was one with a spider on the cover..had Steppenwolf- Snow Blind? on it

Alan Esdaile…..Walter, the compilation with the spider on was called Handle with Care.

Kev Towner…..I’ve got this (Fill Your Head With Rock) on vinyl.

Claudio Heathen……I used to have this LP.

Angela Frances Gardner….Mine is with all my other albums!

John Storer…..One of the great things about the internet is that these albums are all about out there somewhere. I have this, “Handle With Care” (Funk 49 by James Gang still one of my favourite all-time tracks), “Nice Enough To Eat” .My two favourites were/are “All Good Clean Fun” – a Liberty / United Artists sampler with Brinsley Schwarz, If, Amon Duul II, Groundhogs, John Lee Hooker, etc and “Age of Atlantic” with Zeppelin, Delaney & Bonnie, Graham Central Station and Little Feat

Chris Meachen… I  still have some of these;- Nice enough to eat, Bumpers, & fill your head with rock, & possibly some others…

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