John Entwistle 9th Oct 1944 – 27th June 2002

John Entwistle, The Who, Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens, Oct 1976

photo by: Centre of The Universe

Iain Cobby… On this day twenty years ago, my Hero, John Alec Entwistle 57, pass away in a hotel in America . God speed you brilliant bass man! Thunder Fingers and The Ox also the quite man of The Who. much missed. Never surpassed.

Dave Nattress… You know what at The Conquest this morning for a blood test the nurse called “Who’s Next” (‘‘twas me) so I jumped up and said “the Who’s greatest album” – my personal favourite etc. and she didn’t blink an eye.  And some fell on stony ground old friend! Catch up one day!

Colin Bell… RIP some great times were certainly had over many years.


Remembering Freddie Mercury – died 24th November 1991.

post suggested by John Austin



John Austin… Such a pity never got to see him or Queen down the pier, now that would have been something !

Dave Luck…  A great loss to Queen and the music industry.

Mick O’Dowd… Am I alone in not going raptures over Queen’s music? I do like some tracks but the majority don’t fire me up.

Alan Esdaile….Possibly Mick? I played the first album non stop. Of the later tracks, I love The Show Must Go On.

Jane Hartley… Just heard one that wasn’t released earlier, sorry, but there was a reason for that I’m thinking!

John Storer… Have to say I’m with Mr O’Dowd on this one … enjoyed the albums up to an including “A Night At The Opera” (but.. oh … how that has dated!) but “A Day At The Races” I found very disappointing and nothing they did afterwards held my attention

Mick Mepham… I  didn’t love them slavishly but with everything they released you just knew it was Queen. Not all bands can say that their music stands out from the crowd. May’s guitar playing and sound and Mercury’s vocal are/were very distinctive and you really knew who was coming at you! There’s only a few can say that. If I didn’t like all their songs I loved their precision, flair, musicianship and showmanship.

Yvonne Cleland… I  saw them at Earl’s Court back in the day…….