Violet Brown Decision and Spyke – Aquarius 29th Jan/1st Feb 1972

violet brown 1972

Anyone remember seeing Violet Brown Decision?

photo supplied by David Paterson. (before Dave Smith joined)

supplied by David Paterson

Dave Smith… I was in Violet Brown’s Decision. A Mecca band no tamla.?

Matt Carter… In reply to David Smith, Dave, my father in law was also in, Geoff Wigley?

Dave Paterson… Hi Dave, I was the drummer

Dave Smith… I knew that

Dave Paterson… The above coloured photo features Dave Smith at the far right and was taken back stage at the Lyceum Ballroom in the Strand. The other was  just flyers we had made. Sadly there are only two of us left from the original VBD me and the lead singer Dave Seaton.

Jon Camp… I was in the band too!!!

Lyn… What happened to Paul Bennett and Trevor Brown.

Dave Smith… Lost contact with Trev

Sue Seward… Sue Seward (nee Thomas) I knew the boys well in the sixties. Used to sit in to practice nights in Trevor’s mums (Violet Browns) sitting room in Southbrook Rd, Lee. Then was also at all their regular Sunday night gigs at The Dutch House, on Sidcup Rd, enjoying their great renditions of The Four Seasons classics. (some of the most memorable times of my life). I would love to have an update on the boys, especially Trevor (who I dated for a while), Dave and Paul. I still have an original flyer with the Seaton- Paul Management details on the reverse

James Woodhead… Sadly, my grandfather Trevor Brown passed away in 2001 after contracting pneumonia during treatment for asbestosis.

Deborah Ford… (in reply to Lyn) Sadly, both Paul and Trev passed away. Trev, my stepdad, in March 2002. And Paul a few months after. Dave Pattison, my mum Marlene said to say hello. She’s sorry she lost touch after Trev passed. She’s now living in Spain. It was her that found this site but she couldn’t find how to respond.

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Mungo Jerry – Aquarius 10th February 1973.

mungo jerry 13th feb 1973

Geoff Peckham… I believe this was the night that my Factory’s Sound City amp was stolen at the end of the evening. I stupidly left it unattended on the pavement whilst loading the van. Anyone seen it?

Phil Gill… I’m sure I saw Tony Qunta using an old Sound City head recently….

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Was there that night too (to see Mungo Jerry, not steal an amp I hasten to add

Phil Gill… Graham How, wasn’t this the gig that you, me and Burke Shelley from Budgie ended up at Rock a Nore in your Reliant Robin?

Geoff Peckham… If so, where did you find the room for my amp, eh?

Phil Gill… We made two trips.

Jim Breeds… I was at the Mungo Jerry gig.

Andre Martin…  And on Friday Night – Sabotage.


Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Alan Esdaile… Remember working with Sabotage a few times. They were a great pop harmony band.

Dave Nattress… Very witty Mr Gill. Like it!! Knowing Budgie well and having seen them and got albums and CD’s – amazed they should play the Aquarius! Dance to Budgie?

First Emotion (or sometimes billed as 1st Emotion) – Aquarius 1972


 supplied by Barry French

Barry French, Den Wootton and Cliff Wootton – supporting ‘Total’

Cliff Wootton… Great pic. I still have the Hayman 4040 bass although I restrung it as BEAD instead of EADG and reversed the polarity of one of the pickups. This made it sound like a Rickenbacker which annoyed a genuine Rickenbacker bassist who heard it and claimed it sounded more authentic than his bass did. Sometimes you can’t help upsetting folks without even trying. For the geeks, Baz is playing an Antoria Les Paul copy and Den is playing Hayman drums. The Antoria guitars were pretty good and in some cases better than the originals.

Sarah Harvey… his bring back so many memories. St.Helens Youth Fellowship, The Regent Hotel etc…. What a wonderful picture.

Alan Esdaile… Crushed velvet trousers? I used to wear a Red pair.

Dave Nattress… Sarah, did you not have an Antoria Les Paul? Crushed velvet – between me and my mates in Bexhill we had the Dulux colour chart in hideous crushed velvet flares.

Cliff Wootton… Nah – not crushed velvet. These were medium grey brushed cotton/denim/corduroy (not sure which). They replaced the faux velvet Dralon suits we bought from the Undergound Boutique. We had matching maroon velvet blazers to go with these trousers. Looked quite posh. The Dralon suits weren’t robust enough for gigging. We bought them for a season opener at Frenchmans Beach in Rye. I tore the arse out of mine, den split the back of his jacket while drumming and Baz was strumming so furiously that the sleeve came off his jacket. Shaw Taylor who was MC for the night thought it was funny. I stood with my back to the amp for the second half of the gig to hide my embarrassment. Later I also had black crushed velvet flares when I was doing some DJ gigs. They didn’t seem to last very long either and split when I leapt up onto the stage (there’s a common theme starting here). Maybe some other contributors can tell us some funny stories about mishaps at their gigs.

Barry French… Your right the Antoria was a great guitar, not as heavy as a Gibson & had a bolt on neck like a fender (I wish I still had it). Regarding the Frenchman’s Beach Gig, I got the impression that Shaw Taylor thought that the wardrobe malfunctions were all part of the act.

Alan Esdaile… I hope Shaw Taylor didn’t advise you to ‘keep em peeled’.

Sarah Harvey… I had a white Antoria Les Paul. A lovely guitar. Bought new from a shop in Bromley for £150. I sold it because I needed the cash in the early 80s. Regretted it ever since 🙁

Cliff Wootton… I  was chatting to Baz yesterday at the Beatles Day and recalling this photo I didn’t realise how much of a fashion trend setting chap I was back then. This was 1972. It took until 1977 for George Lucas to copy my hair style as a model for Princess Leia in Star Wars.

and at The Lintonian Club Winchelsea…

Lucy Pappas… All great guys! I guess this was after I left the band. We were all about St Helens Youth Club at that time! x

Aquarius with The Steve Maxted Show and Candy Choir September 1973

hastings news 1 225680_10150721971180541_2466153_n

ad supplied by  Leigh Wieland-Boys, poster supplied by Jozef Maxted

Chris Giles… I think it was Steve Maxted  that sometimes came into Chelsea Girl …

Andre Martin… Centre of the world for sooooo many young ladies in the 1960s!!


supplied by Andre Martin