The Hollies – Hastings Pier 12th January 1964

photo source: Billboard Magazine ad 1964

Terry Haddon… Those were the days ,great band.

Andy Qunta… Love those Hollies!

Gerry Fortsch…I think this may have been the night that they had a crash on the A21 at Robertsbridge?

Susan Duck… I was there, got their autograph. Graham Nash and Tony Hick’s autograph below. Did have all the others but these are the only two I could find

supplied by Susan Duck

The Move – Hastings Pier 24th August 1969


  THE MOVE img886

 cutting supplied by Sarah Harvey and autographs supplied by Colin Bell.

Peter Gladwish… I was there!

Jenny Tyler… I saw The Move on the pier.

Joe Knight… BlackBerry way 1967 radio 1 opening song

Tony Davis… Was it? I always thought it was Flowers in the rain. Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me

Alan Esdaile… Your right Tony, sorry Joe and before anyone says it, yes we know that Tony played his theme tune before this.

Joe Knight… the flower got me

Ruperts People with Santos Morados – Hastings Pier 14th April 1968


ruperts autographs

poster Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection.  autographs supplied by Colin Bell

Mick O’Dowd….Best known for “Whiter Shade of Pale”-like tune Reflections of Charles Brown. Have their CD which is pretty good to.

Wendy Wells… I remember this gig as an almost 16 year old. Had a crush on Steve from Santos Morados. If I remember rightly we exchanged addresses and wrote a couple of times, but never saw each other again. I’m sure I have the bands autographs somewhere and those of Rupert’s People. Happy Days.

Alan Esdaile… Can’t find much about Santos Morados but they did have a single on Island Records.

Andre Martin… well I never that takes me back many years


Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich – Hastings Pier 13th Jan 1968.




ad supplied by Sarah Harvey and autographs supplied by Colin Bell.

Sarah Harvey… January 13th, 1968. I still have the single Xanandu!

John Mcewen… So have I! On a blue Fontana label!

Andre Martin… This was the start of the promotions by John Schofield [ lover of Hattie Jacques] Strand Entertainments – great guy to work for.

John Storer… I actually preferred the band’s post-Dave Dee work, (when they were billed as DBM&T) especially the excellent “Mr President”, a very minor hit in 1970 – very influenced by the first Crosby, Stills & Nash album – the band even looked as if they were from the West Coast

Nigel Ford… me too & Zabadak, others maybe too somewhere?

Mick Knights… Saw them at the Witch Doctor as well!!!!

Sarah Harvey… Dave Dee started out life as a Policeman before forming DDDBMT in 1961 and became a JP in his latter years before dying of Postate Cancer during 2009.

Andy Qunta… I believe Dave Dee was also an A & R man for a record co. for a while. I seem to recall he came to check out Factory at a gig in Brighton at some point. What a great name for a band, btw! Made some good records too!

Eddie King… I read that Dozy (Trevor Ward-Davies) passed away.

John Storer… DD,D,B,M&T was actually “Dozy”‘s band

Alan Esdaile… Yes Eddie. Here is the report…


photo bbc news

Pete Fisher… Dave Dee was head of A&R at WEA in the 70s, and apparently signed AC/DC, Boney M and Gary Numan!

Mick O’Dowd… Zabadak!

Mike Curtis… I was there. Dave Dee walked through the pier to the theatre in a colorful afghan coat as far as I remember.

Chris Baker… Ha! Pete (Bill) Wiltshire, used to announce any song by them as “Dave Dee’s Dopey, Sleazy, Dirty Bitch!” As long as children weren’t around! Fun times

John Warner… Knew them as Dave Dee and the Bostons!


Sixties autographs supplied by Jackie Hersee

Autographs of Dave Clark, Bobby Elliott and Graham Nash of The Hollies, Mark Wynter, The Searchers Chris Curtis and John McNally, The Merseybeats Arron Williams, Billy Kingsley and John Banks and The Who 1965. Just a few of what Jackie has in her collection.

Andy Qunta… Fab!

Peter Houghton… Wow! That’s awesome!

Chris Baker… My Mum and Dad used to go up to London to see BBC EasyBeat recordings. Clinton Ford rings a bell from that time. Somehow I imagine him spending his latter years doing Cruise Ships.


Free – Fire and Water album autographs supplied by Pete Houghton

Andy Qunta… Fabulous! Great band, great album!

Tony Court-holmes… saw them live can not remember where

Neil Partrick… That’s, like, really free.. (not).

Chris Jolly… Saw them perform most of this album at the IOW festival in 1970… Splendid they were too!

Dave Nattress… Wonderful band, incredible album, the best for me and I’ve got just about everything Free did, several times over. Paul Rodgers, back then and still a fantastic vocalist, an idol for me undoubtedlt, Andy Fraser, such a unique bass player – RIP, Paul Kossoff, amazing unique sound from his battered old Les Paul – RIP, Simon Kirke, as solid a drummer as anyone. All so very young when they got together in 68/69. Andy Fraser was 15, Paul Kossoff 17 I think, PR and SK maybe a year older. Saw them at Brighton Dome in 1971/1972 – I’d think I’d remember but unsure. By which time Andy Fraser had left to be replaced by Tetsu Yamauchi and I think Paul Kossoff was unavailable and “health issues” had brought about his departure from the band, and filling in was Rabbit , (John Bundrick) ,on keys. I have found an old poster on the www for October 18th 1972 and think this is the only one they played at The Dome. It has been said that somewhere in the world “All Right Now” is being played on a radio station every minute of every day. That’s good earnings for Paul Rodgers and Andy Fraser’s estate and a good few more who are getting a cut also! Any Free fans check out “Paul Rodgers Free Spirit” a CD and DVD recorded at the RAH in 2018 – all the best tracks. What a collector’s piece this autographed album must be.

Pete Fisher… Recommend Free’s “Songs Of Yesterday” boxed set…

Pete Prescott… I saw Free in Sep 72 on Kossoff’s last tour. He was out of it sadly. Tetsu and Rabbit wee in the gig. It was at Fairfield Hall Croydon. I’ve seen Rodgers a good few times over the years. Amazing singer.

Dave Nattress… Indeed Pete, I have The Songs of Yesterday box set, also the fantastic Bio by David Clayton who ran the Free Appreciation Society. It’s been rumoured for a while that there may be more archive stuff to come but as yet I’ve heard agreement by the parties who have a shout in getting it together has not yet been reached.

Anthony English… I was a big fan of Free towards the end of their career. I lived across the road from the famous Rainbow Theatre in Finsbury Park London. I used to bunk of school and hang around outside. Someone who worked there told me that Kossoff Kirk Testu and Rabbit were rehearsing that day so I ran home got my copy of Fire and Water and got it autographed by all four. I loved Paul Kossoff and I remember he was quite a small guy with 2 beautiful looking girls and he was completely out of it . I’ve still got the album today although it’s a bit worse for wear . Never did get to see Free live which was always a regret of mine but still have all the great music to appreciate.

Chris Meachen… My absolute favourite band of the era, & Paul Kossoff my favourite guitarist.. I regret that I never got to see him play, but I did see him downstairs in ‘The lugger’ one night as he was mates with John Martyn…

Carole Prescott… So envious!!!

Rob… I have fully signed Fire and Water album from 1970 at Music Hall Aberdeen


Hawkwind In Search autographs from Hastings Pier around 1972 supplied by Peter Houghton

supplied by Peter Houghton

Mike Waghorne… I remember that gig !

Martyn Baker… Mum wouldn’t let me go. I was 13 and well pissed off. I did see them a couple of years later though. Brilliant!

Neil Partrick… That’s cool. I remember the album well. I only saw them once, but it was them headlining the last Stonehenge music festival in 1984 (following The Enid)!

Pete Houghton…  Hawkwind I believe played the pier twice.

Alan Esdaile… I’ve got them listed at playing 7 times Pete! Maybe wrong.

Chris Jolly… I saw them offstage at the IOW festival in 1970…

Keith Veness… We were there in 72 great night

Tony Court-holmes… i was there

Tuesdays Children on the pier, when? & Paul Kendrick chat.

tuesday children

supplied by Colin Bell

Anyone remember when this band played the pier? Maybe a last minute support replacement? Colin Bell has the autographs but can’t remember when they appeared.

Terry Pack… Paul Kendrick used to live in Hastings, and was a member of Hill St.

Robert Searle… Whats happened to Paul Kendrick?

Alan Esdaile… I got a couple of his singles somewhere and I think Phil Cordell was involved.

Terry Pack… Kendy did work with Phil at one stage, it’s true, when Phil was out at Ninfield in what later became Wing Studios (see Pete Prescott’s photos of Andy Qunta and myself ‘dancing’).

Robert Searle… Paul had a record released written by Phil Cordell which became Tony Blackburns record of the week

Colin Fox… At the moment all I can find regarding playing in Hastings is, 5 April 1968 Hastings College of Technology, Hastings, East Sussex, but Tony had left the group in august 1966 for a solo career.