photo: source unknown
Alan Esdaile… remember playing this in The Provincial Hotel Havelock Road.
Colin Fox… Many times in the Crown Eastbourne
Martin Richter… what a game ! sadly missed
Reg Wood… At the Langham
Joe Knight… Use to be one in the Wheatsheath pub in Bohemia Rd
Jan Warren… Also remember “shove ha’penny” in the pub too!
Jim Breeds… Very popular in the Jenny Lind in the 1970s. Then the landlord (Ron French) swapped it for a pool table. Not the same fun!
Mike Mitchell… Used to play in The Oddfellows Arms..
Maz Marriott… My husband still plays in the league for the Jenny
Michael Wilson… The Fountain St Leonards.
David Edwards… Used to love bar billiards tho’ very few pubs have them now. But I believe the Jenny has one.
Sandy Max… Still play in the Nags Head! I think they got their table from the Fox when it closed. Much more skilful than the ubiquitous American Pool played in most pubs. I believe there may still be a Bar Billiards league?
Pete Prescott… Used to play this a lot ! Great game !
Pauline Richards… Yes. My grandparents used to own the Langham pub and my grandfather used to let me play for free.
Ian Mantel…I used to play at The Princes, now Pissarro’s. The table was in the corner where they now put the drummer on a Friday/Saturday night
Samuel Freeman… Played there good table